4/5/24 New sheriff in town/Seeing a Black cat or many cats! Dumped and arrested male & femalei Hurricane & earthquake coming in!Flakes falling out of a cloud/Alantic ocean breaking apart/Hum!/ Earth is Cleansing/Red candle & purple & red i

11 months ago

this video is for entertainment purposes only!if it happens it happens energy can extend out two weeks two months!

solar eclipse
snake energy
something being dumped
song rihanna "shine bright like a diamond"
something is dying out!
earth is globally cleansing herself!
earthquakes, hurricanes
people will randomly get cold sweats and get sick some not all.
black cat? have you been seeing one lately chosen ones
tears coming
pay attention to your dreams
meeting a feminine energy
masculine and feminine getting arrest soon?
new sheriff in town!
breaking along alantic ocean
chocolate recall....
saw, down and so are radiation sun blue and gray earth and moon (final trip around earth) drop off!
see, no, here, help, red car, stop, boot car, new boots shoe, x, him, want, yyou, it, little, into, jump, all will see, plastic and french fries, hum, h, lighthouse and a candle, dark cloud, g, gum, red candle, flakes dropping out of a cloud or sky, 3 rings , 2 , pop

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