April 5, 2024 Evils in power are powerless now & are beneath the grounds of earth hiding out! because death is upon them. Aliens & payouts to deliver no longer! Men in black(Will smith movie)/Alantic ocean and a creature/ Another Earthquake coming

10 months ago

this video is for entertainment purposes only!if it happens it happens energy can extend out two weeks to two months!

worlds fair...solar eclipse
pay attention to the animals
clearing in forest
underground bunkers
whose managing activity in forest?
they are running out of food underground
coming up from under...
chosen ones will be full
court systems
judement day
hearing something..
gas cloud
something is on fire underground...
get gas masks....
example...a glass bottle on a open fire
someone was trying to plan a war around the solar eclipse but its dooms day fror the evils that be they aredescendants descending digging their self in a rabbit hole
the fallen angels
paying to get grocerys delivered to them...pizza gate?
their are ppl underground who have been hiding a long time
one cycle away
april 8 2024
something isnt going to work out for the evil in power....its doom day
they will not know about anything happening
these evils are unconventional "lunar colony".... this is their society.... they are going to burn says mother earth and father sun
april 8th is the mark of the beast
leapordsy... something about spots
released gas
these specific aliens not all but the evil ones have been paying people to keep quiet about whats going on.
a escape animal is at large!
what animal will be released???
have you been seeing alot of cats lately?
another earthquake is coming in!
a escaped animal at large....a female or feline?
this is why ppl have been disappearing.....food! pizzagate
and abuse!
mother earth is putting that to a stop slowly
Ai / robots entering in...mark of the beast

men in black...looking for aliens...fighting...(will smith movie) &cast..
submarine & alantic ocean....a eye something coming up from under water
diner at 4am??
the evils that be are powerless
not able to no longer silence people!
the cloud maker....gas cloud a formula that will back fire on them. they are scared of chosen ones...
keep shining your light!
the evils are trying to find a way out....
planning... evils trying to appear as light...

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