Earthquakes, Eruptions and exposures

5 months ago

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Earthquakes, Eruptions and exposure

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
5th of April 2024 03.34

Earthquakes, Eruptions and exposure are just the beginning of birth pains. Matthew 24.
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I am the God of the angel armies, the lord of Host.

Jeremiah 33,3
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).

Call unto while I still can be found saith the Lord. Repent, turn around and change your ways!

Earthquakes, Eruptions and exposure will take place these days. I will straighten the crooked ways and the day of vengeance will come.

Eruptions of truth will continue to flood the Earth and the evil will no longer be able to press down the truth.
More exposure will keep coming out, because I will let the whistleblowers be bold to expose everything that has been kept in the secret. The secrets of the Royal houses around the world have been done in darkness and behind closed doors. Their false gods will no longer protect them because of the blood from the children who have been used for sacrificial rituals.

The blood of the innocents are crying out to Me. Their voices crying out when will you give us justice?

it is a stench in My nostrils. For their sake I will stretch My hands to destroy those who have destroyed what is sacred in My eyes. I have had enough of what evil has done.
It is not only the royals but everyone in high positions politically or in business, who has worshiped Satan. It doesn't matter if they did it secretly or openly it will be exposed.

I will expose those in the body of Christ who have been wolves in sheep clothes. They are predators and because they are hiding their secret lives I will no longer tolerate them. I will take them out to their surprise.

They are thinking God will not judge me, but don't be so sure that it will happen before you will know of it. I will take you out like a candle just with one blow.

Don't say that I haven't shown you mercy but you have abused this grace. You knew the truth but you still choose to continue your evil ways with no remorse or deep repentance. You could have repented while there was still time.

I gave My creation in the days of Noah 120 years to repent so no one could claim that I was not merciful. But I had been long-suffering and I waited and waited but no one would change themselves.
Noah, My servant would not corrupt himself therefore he was righteous in My eyes.
My children, I am always giving you a warning like any kind and loving earthly father would do,before the consequences will be executed.

I have always given you a way out of the sin and there is redemption and restoration if you choose to repent.

In Hebrew 11
My children go into My rest. Rest in Me and have My shalom

Don't look at the world, what is going on. You can hear wars and rumors of wars and nothing is what it seems like. Have My shalom in you because My Kingdom is unshakable. My kingdom is forever and it will last forever. My kingdom is in you. It is inside of you.
propheticword, prayer, earthquake, eruptions, exposures, Jesus, God,

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