The Agenda To Eradicate Biblical Christianity From American Culture

10 months ago

In the latest obvious attack on God, believers, and the biblical worldview, the Biden Democrats used a high profile opportunity to offend Christians. Days before Easter, they banned religious (read “Christian”) images at the White House and also declared March 31 (Resurrection Sunday) the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” (READ MORE)

Make no mistake: this is the new religion of the Left.
I agree with Benny Johnson who said on Twitter X that Biden’s actions were a slap in the face to Christians. “I have your back,” the White House proclamation reads, directed to the transgender community, which by the way is a mere fraction of a percentage of U.S. citizens.

But let’s talk about the censoring of religious symbols for a moment. Would it not be accurate to draw parallels to what the Nazi’s did by removing crosses, Bibles, and Christian symbols? They had to be replaced with something, right? And they were.

The Washington Stand’s Ben Johnson explains:
“The Biden administration’s revolution began where all revolutions begin: with children. The 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art contest, which is part of the White House Easter Egg Roll, asks children of service members to submit designs for Easter eggs — but not any that highlight the actual content of Easter. The contest’s flyer instructs children they “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”

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