Diddys bodyguard leaked audio

10 months ago

Just in case you don't know how this all works.....

In Hollywood, the ONLY way you can get to the top is by joining THE CLUB👹.

And you have to perform certain THINGS, endure certain g@y actions (especially straught guys), and many other dark evil things done to children as well. And all being filmed.

This is FACTS. Not theories, FACTS.

If you DONT join the club they black ball you. If you don't do as they say as you climb in industry, they'll strip everything from you. All $$$ all fame. All bookings. All shows. All movies. Etc. Gone!

For upcoming artists pop/rap they have to go through Diddy.

Justin Bieber. Taylor swift. Ja rule. Meek mills. Usher. Even LeBron James. 1000s have been to the Diddy parties.

Where they are usually either Fd willingly, or drggd then fd and it's all on film. For men they gotta take it from the back from another man. Usually Diddy or one of his boys. The video is used as blackmail if needed.

So if they are FAMOUS rapper, actor, you can almost guarantee Diddy has Diddled them.

Sounds crazy, I know. But it's how they work 👹. Everything they do is to hurt God in their eyes.

Katt williams talked about this on the Shannon Sharp podcast.

So just think about your favorite artists and actors, if they are on TOP, super rich, they are part of THE CLUB 👹 GUARANTEED.

And they have had to perform certain acts/ritu@ls to rise. Many of them. There's many levels to this.

But the standards for Rappers is getting it from behind.

When you realize your entire world is run by a bunch of Sat@nic peeedos, everything going on today will make sense.

It's why they're pushing g@y, tr@ns stuff

It's why B1den proclaimed Easter as Tr@ns visibility day. Yes most the political figures are in THE CLUB too.

It's why they lie about EVERYTHING

It's why they push obesity as being healthy
(gluttony/suicide by food)

It's why they r@pe and Tor-ture kids. It's the closest way to hurt GOD in their eyes.

It's why they have to TELL YOU what they're gonna do. Using TV shows(like simpsons), books, live television, etc.

It's all part of their sat@nic beliefs.


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