🗡️🛡️ Shill-Dominated Media | Fake Celebrities | Content Creators Compromised by Corporate Interests

5 months ago

The tech giants are the biggest threat, they are even more determined to go all out to censor free speech. Or at least speech that does not support their left-wing ideology. Today's tech companies are even more powerful than their historical monopoly predecessors because of one key component: data. The information derived from our data is now king in everything from selling a product to shaping the news to, as we are now seeing, electing a president.

Here's a couple of examples. Google has announced a partnership with the George Soros-backed Poynter Institute to 'fact-check' search functions. So now Soros will be the arbiter of truth in search. Amazon admitted to removing negative reviews of Hillary Clinton's book. Apple removed a pro-life prayer app from its App Store after left-wingers complained, and Facebook employees admitted they had been instructed to remove positive news stories that were trending about conservatives.

And that doesn't even cover the shenanigans going on at YouTube by their Big G overlords. Conservative voices are being silenced. The most immediate legislative solution would be to remove the legal protections of Section 230 when an "interactive computer service" is found to be engaging in viewpoint discrimination. Opening up these companies to full legal liability for censorship is essential to ensuring that Americans retain their free speech rights. It is time for Congress to act to protect the First Amendment and the core values of the Republic.

Armoured Skeptic (YouTube) Channels:

Pop Culture is Psychological Warfare - The Media is Evil

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