Elijah Streams - Johnny Enlow Unfiltered Ep 100 - The Eclipse, the Bridge, Enoch Q & A - Captions

10 months ago

Johnny Enlow and the host Steve Shultz discuss the upcoming solar eclipse and its potential significance, addressing various speculations and warnings from prophetic individuals. They emphasize that it's a time marker for a spiritual shift and convergence, while also mentioning strange activities like the state of emergency declared by Niagara Falls and truck driving bans in Texas. They also referenced CERN and NASA's plans on the day of the eclipse, suggesting that these might be signals of other events. Further, they spoke about the recent collision of a barge (container ship) with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, interpreting it as a symbolic event with a message about America's resilience and freedom. They then answered questions about the Book of Enoch, discussing which versions are reliable, the nature of Nephilim, and the sufficiency of the Bible's 66 books. They concluded by highlighting the importance of the Holy Spirit in guiding believers through these times.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:

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Full Video Transcript:

And happy Monday, April 1st. Instead of April Fool's Day, it's April Fool's for Christ Day. John Webber used to tell a story about him being a fool for Christ. So we'll just, we'll just take that moniker, that label, and say we're fools for Christ. on April 1st. Exciting days. Very, and I've got a really neat announcement.

I'm going to make it just a few minutes once I bring Johnny on. But before we bring Johnny, here's a quick reminder of the beautiful wells you're helping us dig. Here we go.

I love the music on that one. Very uplifting. Each commercial we've developed just has its own little special thing about it. But I love the way they've mixed what seems like Irish music to me with that. It just works, you know? So anyway, thank you so much for your generous donations to keep these wells being dug.

And you know, this was not a mega fundraising month. Usually that's in December, November, December of the year and stuff. But this month in April, no, in March. We had one of the most banner years of giving ever and we weren't even working that hard to To raise funds because you've been so generous. So we thank you over and over and over again So all right time to bring in Johnny Enlow Unfiltered.

So here's Johnny

My message hasn't changed You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. You must, from now on, target darkness in your society. We are almost there. The pain is for the awakening. The awakening is for your children.

Boy, that intro never gets old for me, Johnny. It's just so perfect. I agree. It's so good. Well, listen, I told you just before I came on the air that I'm going to wait to make this announcement until I bring you in, so you know what I'm going to announce. But here we go with that. Go ahead and put that photo up and I'll tell a little bit of a story.

This is a location where we, when we moved into the Albany, Oregon area 25 years ago I think it was there then, We came to this location and the location was there's a lobby to this church that you're looking at right there. And in the lobby, that was the whole church. And as we started doing conferences and they started doing conferences, that church just exploded.

And this is a picture a few years ago. Don't know exactly which year. That's a Dutch sheets up front talking at Elijah List conference. This is before we were well known or we weren't even doing Elijah streams. So this was an Elijah, this is an Elijah less conferences conference photo. This is our conference, and so here's the good news.

We just bought that building. This is now ours. We bought it from JPC, which is stands for Jesus Pursuit Church. We've been in escrow for three or four months, whatever it's been, getting all the credit. You know, the examinations done on the property. And it takes a long time to do that. The good news is what they, they were willing to sell it to us, which was, we're so grateful to Emily Tedrow, who is the pastor there.

Her father was Denny not Denny, Denny Klein. He was one of my pastor. And then Emily then stepped in about six, seven years ago, whatever it's been, she's been the pastor. So it was on her and her board to agree to sell us the property. And we're so, so grateful to Emily for, for being willing to sell us.

The good news started to say is they've already purchased or an escrow of their own building that replaces that. It's another great big building. I would tell you, but it's not my right to tell you what it is and where it is. So she'll. She can come on here and do it if she wants to. But, but it's a beautiful, beautiful place that they're acquiring.

So this is called the win, win, win, win deal. You know, we're just so super excited. We had the backstory of this is, this is a true story. We were using a, a house, we were using a house that the ministry owned. And technically you're not supposed to be doing a business out of that, but we only had three people working there.

I think was the official account, something like that. We're just using the garage in a couple of bedrooms, pretty empty, really. Well, the city got wind of it because somebody reported us. So we had a good year there. And then they said, you can't do that. And they gave us a date to, to vacate. And so we knew we were, we, we, we didn't want to get in trouble with the city, right?

So it was, this was on the outskirts of the city. So I was driving around one day. I almost remember where I was and Michael Wilhelm, who works for me. He's my IT tech guy. He's part of management now. He said, I think you should offer to buy the JPC building and I'm Offer to buy that they're not going to let us buy that.

That's a beautiful building. That's their baby I mean, that's for all of these prophetic bob jones, Who who hasn't been there's probably a better if you start going down the list all of the big conferences They all swung through and I said but I said to her to him to michael if you have the faith To dip your toe in it and ask him if they would entertain enough or go ahead I've found that that works for me if i'm not sure my faith is there I'll just tell the person who had the idea.

If you have the faith, go for it. So he did. And and said, ask them if they would entertain an offer and they did. And we were, you know, the rest is history. That's just a few months ago. But what do you think about all that, Johnny? Well, that's super exciting. And you know, as you say, number one, that place well, you didn't say it this way, but this will come to mind when you're talking about the meetings that have been, you know, Already had there for, for years and years and years, and particularly prophetic leaders, individuals.

And so there is an open heavens and there is a well that's been dug there already. And so you get to reconnect. to that. And that really, I think, really is a well, it really is a well, it goes back to when Emily was much younger. And Danny, like I said, I've mentioned him several times. He embraced the Elijah list when nobody else was embracing us.

I will always be to his absolute credit. We exist today because Denny Klein. Said we moved into the area and I was having lunch with him and this is way back 1999. And I was not going to bug him about using this facility. This is the smaller version out in the lobby. And he said, well, and I was talking to him about doing a conference renting a hotel or something.

There was no hinting. I just wasn't going to bug him about that. And he said, well, don't you want to have it at our place? Don't you want? And I said, well, really? Are you asking me that? Because I wasn't going to bug you about that. And the rest is history. We had Patricia King for our first conference. It was just Patricia.

It was a one night conference. And it filled the house, which again, like in those days was the lobby. And everybody felt it. We were all talking about, did you see that? Did you feel that? Did you hear, you know, well, quickly I will tell people we're going to be working on it for a few months. We have to wait till about July to start though.

We're going to do a lot of work in there to, to redesign the lobby and all of that. It's going to be great. But Robin Bullock is scheduled. I'm not going to give you a date or a month because you guys to drive me, that's crazy. Try it. We're not making the link available when we're sure we're ready to take Registrations.

The first one will be absolutely free. It'll be Robin Bullock. Johnny will come through there, cat will come through there. You know, you guys that are, will be our regulars as you know, Johnny. So we'd love to have, yeah, that's, that's I think where we met originally is the, we of course, we had been for years doing.

The Elijah list writing for the Elijah list, but we hadn't met yet. So I think it wasn't, well, you invited me to speak at the conference there, whatever, seven, eight years ago, whenever it was, I think that was the first time we actually got to meet perhaps that was, it was. So, well, it's going to be great.

We, we don't have the link yet and we're not announcing the month or the date, but it will fill up. So be sure and stay tuned and we'll, maybe we'll give you a hint of which day, and then y'all, who are interested can be watching that day. I don't know how to do it because first one's good. Oh, and let me just say this to the, we're not, we're not starting a church.

So even though there is a church that meets there and that they will run back for a while. This is our Elijah streams meeting place, but we're calling it the Elijah streams pavilion. That's the name of the place. And it'll be Christian resources. So there will be Christian groups that will, that will rent back from us.

That will be a resource to the Christian community in the area. We haven't had a place. So that will be something that we're going to do for the Christian community in the region. So it's hard to find a place that'll meet this. You know that'll suit this many people so but Johnny, I don't want to take any more time of your time Thank you so much for being patient with me to give the exciting news.

I'm gonna turn this on That is very exciting. Yeah. All right. Well go for it All right. So what we want to I like to tell what we're gonna we're gonna cover today And I think we're titling this thing something like the eclipse The bridge and the Enoch Q and a. So we wanted to give most of our time for some Q and a regarding what we shared last week on Enoch.

And I think Julie was telling me is like a record number of comments and questions came from that. And so we want to. Be able to, to go there again and do a little follow up on important things regarding Enoch and what the Lord saying, saying there, I wanted to take just about five minutes or less.

As we're now a week away from the eclipse, a couple of things regarding that we did a whole program a couple of weeks ago, and so that still stands. And but I wanted to address a couple of things being brought up and then something the Lord said to me, and then a few minutes about the Lord did speak to me this yesterday as well about the bridge.

That was run into the Francis Scott Key bridge that was run into by the barge ship, whatever, whatever it was, the combo there. And there's a message for us and that's just going to be a few minutes as well. Excuse me. And and so I'm going to go ahead and get started with that. So first about the eclipse and what I'm talking about is April eight, a week from today, just a little over you know, exactly a week plus a couple of hours.

And actually, as we were talking just briefly, Steve, it'll, it'll precede, I mean, Our program will be about an hour, a couple hours ahead of when, depending where you're at, where, where the the path of totality, which will be coming up, Texas will, will hit people. And so there is so much being talked about regarding.

So many warnings so many speculations. There's warnings from prophetic people that have we'll say a credibility and a testimony of having been doing that for a while. And then there's new ones. It's suddenly showing up making proclamations and declarations about it. And I'm just going to again, refer to a couple of weeks ago, two or three weeks ago when I think the title of it, what is heaven shouting with the eclipse?

And it's a, I just want to remind that it's a time marker. It's the back end of back end. We'll can't fit both hands in here. The back end of seven years apart eclipses crossing the United States. The other one went from west to east and this one south to north. And it is a time marker of a shift in the spirit.

And it's a convergence of convergences. And and there are, among the bizarre things happening are, you know, Niagara Falls declares A state of emergency to prepare for the total solar eclipse. Really? What Niagara falls state of emergency for four minutes of darkness. So it's like, that's a head scratcher.

There's reportedly over a dozen counties in Texas that have some. No driving as for trucks on so I don't know if it's all the highways or the main highway for the eclipse and different reports of the national guard out in in In an increased fashion, so it makes you think okay is something else going on I'll still I mean i'm gonna step away for a minute this thing came on i'm gonna go to just i'll be right back Okay.

All right. So we have some, you know, some things and so different ones you're asking about it as as well. What is going on? We have CERN, C E R N as well from Switzerland. Not going to go into that much. You can look for, look for it yourself. You know, it's, it's basically a scientific base complex to study fundamental particles on matter.

But there seems to be something sinister or occult in its origin and what it's all about. And so it's going to be turned On again, April 8th. So why is, why is that being time to coincide with the very same day? And so different reports on if CERN is still, we'll say under the bad guys or are good guys now running, running that.

So, I get nothing from the Lord of importance on that. And, you know, I'll just tell you what he says. To me, that is important. Then, besides CERN turning on again April 8th, that's what I was just telling Steve, NASA is launching three rockets of sorts into, I haven't even done a deep dive on it because it's not struck me as important, but I'm like, what are NASA and CERN activating different things on the same day of, of the eclipse?

And so it makes you wonder what exactly is is going on there. And you know, Nassau, Nassau is just Nassau, that's Bahamas, Nassau is, you know, one of the biggest perpetuations of fraud on the American people. Well, I've also heard that they're like very occultic in their, have you heard that? That they're occultic in their origins?

Definitely. But I don't remember what it is like 3 billion or maybe it's more a budget a year for NASA. We could have easily I don't remember the number, but I know that what was required to finish to have the border properly walled and fenced one year's budget from NASA. would have taken care of it.

So many have suggested it's a money laundering operation that goes to purposes. And so anyway, so there's stuff going on and we're also, you know, it was just announced that Russia has also gone into the red sea with you know, substantial military assets. And now we have China, us and Russia all in the red sea of all things.

And we're right at a moment of deliverance, a Passover time going on. And so we seem to have all kinds of special communications being sent. And then it takes the discernment is the Lord sending communications or good guys trying to communicate something to the bad guys are the bad guys trying to communicate.

communicate things to the good guys, but there seems to be more activity than normal. You know, an eclipse is not supposed to cause all these other factors to all of a sudden become a big deal. So anyway, here's what I felt like the Lord, this is, this is the part I wanted to share. The Lord says, saints exercise your authority.

I'll say it a different way. Saints exercise your authority. You can speculate on all kinds of things. You don't know which one of these things might be being an. Attempted what kind of dark, sinister thing the enemy might want to do. We don't sit passively around the Lord said to remind us all that we are in the day of the saints and to go back to what we went in depth a year ago on Daniel and there's my vision.

The beginning of the year was of the gavel and really it's the same thing. Bobby Connor. At the same time, I think a week apart, we're, we're sharing here. And then somebody that didn't know. This is from South America at the same time. Practically, they're giving me this right here. The Lord had told him to make it for me.

And it refers to, it connects to Daniel, the book of Daniel, that there had been a ruling in heaven. It's a time, it's time for the kingdom to be turned over to the saints, the saints of the most high God will receive it. So we don't want to be in a passive speculative. Okay. Well, I wonder what's going to happen.

It's time to really cease. Reacting to things in that kind of way. And to the degree you have a relationship with the Lord, intimacy with him, the Holy Spirit, and can, and receive his, his calms, his communications, then enforce the peace, enforce kingdom measures every, anywhere you're at. This is going all the way up the United States.

And we know many of you will be in the path there. And some are wondering If they should run away, I'm not going to give any instruction to anyone. It's like you, you, you need to work that out. You in the Lord, but I'm definitely picking up. He doesn't want us to be in fear about that at all. And we are in the day of the saints, saints exercise.

Your authority. So that's my comment on the eclipse coming in a, in a week. I don't know. And you also heard that supposedly they were going to launch, I, this is what I headlined. I didn't read, excuse me, didn't read the detail. They were supposedly going to launch rockets at the eclipse. Like what, and I thought, well, what sense does that make?

The eclipse is a shadow. What do you mean launch it at the eclipse? But maybe you have a better insight of what the. No, I, I, it's, it's, it was kind of a crazy announcement that NASA is going to be sending these things. It's like, what it goes into a whole nother conversation about what's above there.

What is the firmament? And that would take some conversation. Again, we're in such an age of discovery of the truth, really. That's part of the great awakening. There's a reason why this is, yeah, this is, you're telling me to start with this, or Julie was telling us this is episode 100 of Johnny unfiltered and the promo still works perfectly from 100 episodes, 100 weeks ago.

Because the pain is for the awakening, the awakening is for your Children, your Children's Children, etcetera, etcetera. So we are in an awakening time and it's a rude awakening on the front end because we're discovering how much we've been lied to about everything all across the board. And the discovery of those lies then causes us to be faced often with life shattering earth, you know, shattering.

Possibilities that we hadn't considered before and, and things that, you know, especially if you've been just an observer from not in closest, you know, I have about four or five years of being called a conspiracy theorist on these matters of which every single one of them has already been proven is now just, it's running rampant throughout society.

The, the, the knowledge of it, Tucker Carlson is practically having interviews. Every day that cover those bases you know, it was supposedly Epstein Island was a lie and there's no way that there's a whole island that is being used surreptitiously in this kind of way, just for the elite to be blackmailed.

with pedophilia and worse stuff. And yet that's just out all over. And that's just, you know, it would take 10 minutes just to tell all the stuff that is no longer thought of us as conspiracy theory. But we're still discovering and we're still discovering. We're still discovering things that can shake us.

You know, realities that aren't really realities and we're having to look at literally everything. One of the things we will look into in a little bit here is like Enoch and the books of the Bible and what's that about? So we're not going to be trying to shake anybody's foundations and nothing out of it is designed to do so, but it is a time where have to be courageous enough and brave enough To look at things and not be afraid to give things a second look not be afraid to ask questions About well, did that really happen?

Is that really the truth? Is that really the way that that came about? so we want to be embracing the courage of of this new season, so Anyway, the other thing so I did get a little bit yesterday from the Lord as it regards to this bridge. I'm sure everybody's aware now that a bridge called the Francis Scott Key.

It was run into by a barge ship named Dolly D. A. L. I. And there is a significance there. There's a meaning there. And you know, many people have already started the conversation. Oh, wow. What's the deal? The author of our Star Spangled Banner you know, which is about the land of the free and the home of the brave and, and all the things we celebrate here.

What's the deal with that bridge being knocked out? And that doesn't sound like a good omen or whatever. And so I'm going to tell a couple things about it that different ones may or may not know. So first of all, that bridge was opened March 14th, 1977, and of course, named after Francis Scott Key.

Francis Scott Key, for those, again, to say it again. clear, perhaps remembering that there are people from outside our country who may not know that he's the author of our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. And reportedly he was within a hundred yards. And if they got it wrong, they'll be just wrong by a few hundred yards.

He was in a, a merchant ship, a few hundred yards from where the bridge just collapsed when he first got his inspiration and did the first notes writing down of whatever is the Star Spangled Banner. And he was there witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry. And again, the end of the whole National Anthem is, or the land who say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave or the land of the free in the home of the brave.

And He was, the story there is, he was actually in a is a British ship and, but it was a truce ship and he was there, he was an attorney, Francis Scott Key, and he was contending actually for the life of a friend of his who the British were scheduling to have hung. They had gallows for him because he was a doctor that was not providing for the British soldiers when they were wounded.

So point of reference, this is back in 1814 when this is all happening. In 1812, the war started and right before all of this, I think it may have been 1812, is where Washington, D. C. was essentially destroyed and the White House was burned down. And so, the British troops were an army were now up in Baltimore.

For those of you who don't know, that's really close I guess within 50 miles or so from D. C. And so this was now going to be back to back, big cities devastated. And so, while they're, the night that they're supposed to have this conversation, and, and he was effective, Francis Scott Key in getting his friend saved bombing started, and so the British began bombing Fort McHenry, and it was 15 hours or more.

Just it was violent, horrific. And and Francis Scott Key, he, you know, when the, when the morning comes and he looks through all the smoke and fire and everything and he sees An oversized flag of the United States. And so he was he was shocked. First of all, he said, cause the bombardment they had just gone through was so intense.

He just expected he was going to see the union Jack flag. And instead he saw the American flag bigger than ever. So, so again, we're getting application. What is the messaging from the Lord for us at this time? So we want to point out that Dali, D A L I, the name of the barge ship that ran into it is named that course.

The name we know Salvador Dali, who is a Spanish artist surrealist. I, some might say a disturbed surrealist. It's interesting that he. Dolly, you know, he has a piece of art that shows a ship running into a bridge. I should have brought that. You can look that up. And it's like, that was just a head scratcher in the midst of all that.

Wait, the artist himself, after which the boat was named, has a picture of a boat. It was so easy to get. I should have had it running into a bridge. And so that's, you're like, what again? And but he is known for like, he wrote a paper on why all non whites should be enslaved. And so he, he was for enslave enslavement and and this is an actual quote from Dolly personally.

I am against freedom. I am for the holy inquisition. He wanted people to be forced is interesting. He called it the holy inquisition, which is forced to the churches standards, but he was no church guy at all. He was pretty much a demonized sexual deviant. If you heard his life. everything he, he was about.

So he wasn't going to survive, survive that either. But yeah, there are a ship that rammed into a bridge. So, so here's the deal. We have a deviant, one who's for enslavement has attacked a key bridge. Because it's the Francis Scott key bridge here. In the United States. But it's going to backfire as part of part of the message.

What does a bridge do? And we're going to take a unique approach to what is a bridge do. We know that it connects two points, but a bridge helps you also has you stay above. It has you over look certain things. It's where you're not down where things need to be. So the Baltimore court, this is part of what I'm reporting even by the spirit more than knowledge, but I believe it will bear out is that there's much human trafficking that will be exposed that has been taking place.

And that this bridge shutting down will actually cut down I don't know to what degree human trafficking that has been taking place there at a high end. There's no more Overlooking it. See you're in a bridge you overlook it. There's no more overlooking The human trafficking that's taking place and so back to francis scott key He was not on the bridge So when you take out the bridge, you're not taking out francis scott key because he was not on the bridge He was actually in the harbor and he was in the middle of the war You He was in the middle of all the firings taking place, the cannons and the, the, the shots that were being shot against Fort McHenry.

And and so he was in the midst of the booms of explosives and explosions that were taking place. And a couple of other interesting points in there is like this. Oversized flag was unusual because a normal for a garrison was 20 by 38 feet. And this flag was a 30 by 42 foot flag that was flying in the morning after it looks like that United States, that Baltimore had taken a deadly hit.

And again, it looks like this bridge is, it looks like a deadly hit against America, against Baltimore in some ways, but it wasn't what it seemed like. And out of it came actually a prophetic declaration from Francis Scott Key that is borne out to be powerful and true up to this day. We're going to get into that last stanza.

There's our last part on sharing with this, but there were There was basically a family of women, a mom and her daughters that actually put together that made this. Large flag, but it's, it's just amazing when I went and looked at the history there, they also, they noted the help of an indentured African American servant named Grace Wisher.

Really? Grace, Grace Wisher. Wow. Grace Wisher. She was key in help putting that together. So you had, Again, to back to Salvador Dali, he wrote a paper on why all non whites should be enslaved. And then you have a Dawn White as a key person, her name being Grace Wisher, in actually constructing the flag that even after the hit, there is a demonstration, immediate demonstration after the hit, no, we are not going down, we're not surrendering, we're not giving up.

So, this is what it said about what he wrote, this this, the Star Spangled Banner. A joyous poem after he was relieved that the U. S. had preserved against a British attack had been almost certain Francis Scott Key was almost certain after the bombings that in the preceding hours that he would see the Union Jacks, what it said, but he was, when he saw it, When he saw the flag, it just, it, it stirred up a prophetic declaration in him.

And so what I wanted us to look at in closing here, and as part of the messaging for today, we often don't realize that there's four stanzas to to the national anthem, and I hadn't actually never heard number four, and I'm just going to read that. And, and if you all have that ready to go up, it doesn't matter if it's not.

Okay, there we go. Again, this is to the tune of O say can you see, O thus be it ever, when free men shall stand between their loved home and the ward's desolation, blessed with victory and peace, may the heaven rescued land praise the power of God. That hath made and preserved us a nation. Just keep it there.

Just a Second because I think there's a more to it, but let's just stop there for a moment We'll make sure but he gets it because it's not exactly Easy english. Oh, thus be it. Everyone free men shall stand so right after the hit again for us right after the hit Instead, there's a voice saying, Hey, this is a time for free men to stand.

Yeah, somebody would like to knock out you know, a bridge that represents this national anthem of ours. We don't let that be the effect of it between their loved home and the war's desolation. So we're in between. We have our loved home and we're in, we're at war. This is we're at war. You were not hearing the booms like Francis Scott.

He heard he heard in his day, but it's just as real what's taking place right now. Blessed with victory and peace made a heaven rescued land. So our nation is a heaven rescued land. And we want to acknowledge that and know that I want to point out that I shared when I did two or three weeks ago on, on the eclipse, that the first place in North America that is coming over is an aisle called Socorro aisle, which is rescue aisle.

And so this is speaking again, there's the Lord's perspective in the midst. It's always. important beyond measure to get the Lord's perspective on what's taking place. If you were in the Baltimore Bay with Francis Scott key, it would have been easily to have a perspective. Oh my goodness. We have just been under a massive assault.

We're in serious trouble, but one of the most profound. Prophetic declarations that became our national anthem came from that we're blessed with victory and peace made a heaven rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Just keep it there for a second. Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation.

Just let that reverberate in every person here in the United States that this is still the truth. This was the truth when being bombed when it looked bad when our white house had just been burned down When the capital had just been isolated This is there's a power that hath made and preserved us a nation And so this is a time for us to remember that.

Okay, let's see if there's more on that You can go do it now then conquer we must When our cause it is just and this be our motto in god is our trust Hmm And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave. I meant to bring the triumph hat there to show that too. So there's the triumph there where you see you take the I and H out there.

There is a Trump and not to overdo the Trump thing, but it's there. And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave or the land of the free and the home of the brave. Again, keep it there just a second. It was And part of the, even the purpose of having those hats with the triumph on it. That was the vision I had in March of 2016 is where I saw president Trump on a motorcycle and it was a shock to me, as I've told before, I was like, Oh no it was not who I thought was because I'd asked the Lord who was going to win the presidency.

And then I saw he was making. A lot of noise on his motorcycle and then I was brought in and the motorcycle was a triumph. And speaking into it as well and the spark star spangled banner and triumph shall wave or the land of the free in the home of the brave. It's just important for us to realize that this that we love so much and is sung at every game and at all kinds of special events everywhere.

This came in a very, very dark moment. In the midst of war, in the midst of war that wasn't going well, and there's a declaration of what God is actually doing that becomes important. That's why we go back over and over and over to this point of the narrative. What is God saying? is really happening here.

So what looks like at a very dark moment is actually a moment when something is being resurrected could be said, just a trust. It's, it's amazing what, what must have been going on in Francis Scott Key's spirit at this time where while he's right under the explosions, right in the midst of it all, he's actually on a ship that's not even I will say United States.

It's of the opposition, the opponent, and he's able to see what God is doing. So this is something Lord wants us all challenged to be able to connect to this, understand what his narrative, his storyline is for, for, for all of this. I want to, can I ask you a question about I think you're clearly saying that this was an attack, right?

This was an attack on the bridge, right? It because I didn't, I didn't specifically say that, but I think it, it really is hard to see that I say there's a communications from heaven comes out of it, period. Yeah. One way or the other. But it's hard to think of this as being accidental. Yeah. And then on my question related to that is one way or the other, I, I know you got this by Revelation 'cause you said this is by Revelation, but can you give any other connection about how this.

translates to their child trafficking being lessened. Well, this port, from what I understand, just again, just natural things, this bridge was so key that it's, it's going to take a few years for them to rebuild the bridge. And it's so disrupts operations that If it was a port for human trafficking for illegal activity, it's no longer convenient.

They have to go somewhere else because there's, there's no, no way to disperse whatever they're bringing in the way they used to. So it has disrupted traffic as usual. Good. Okay. Good. All right. All right. So Steve, now we'll go to the the Q and a regarding Enoch. And again, we we don't want to have to repeat for everyone.

We're going to repeat some things just because there'll be, they'll come out in, in, in the questions and answers, but just strongly recommend listening to that. from a week ago. If you didn't. Yeah, absolutely. So now do you want me to just start with questions? Yeah, you could start with the one question.

You and I agreed we found this over the weekend. This is from Kalita. I won't say your last name because I didn't have permission to share your name. But the question was, and I'm not even sure If this was part of Enoch, but anyway, it says, if Noah was the only family that was not a hybrid, that was not a hybrid, what was the purpose of him preaching during the building of the ark?

I was always under the impression that people could have, could have been, could have been saved, but perhaps we have had that incorrect. After all, God gave the dimensions for the ark, so he knew who would be in the ark, right? So you comment on that. So we're Where she's getting that from is I made a comment.

It wasn't something specifically that I read out of the book of Enoch, but I said that perhaps it was because it says that only Noah was found righteous and that it may mean that More than we think only how righteous in his day that the and again, this where I'll have to repeat this from last week in order for people to understand this part, this comes out of Genesis six as well, where it talks about the sons of God came into the daughters of men is like, well, what is that about?

Well, angels we'll say demons came down, they were the watcher angels and demons is the story of, of that matches Genesis six is told in Enoch, I believe as well, Enoch chapter six. And, and so it tells that these watchers came down and bred with demons. females and they observed men and they saw that women were beautiful and so They ended up producing many giants and immediately in genesis chapter 6 It talks about that the whole world just became very evil it emphasizes that tool It says, you know, not even the thought of god was in them And so god had to repent of making men and destroy everything and only noah was found righteous and so first of all, I have to say just to confirm that that's not clearly said anywhere.

It's only, and I don't have a an insight. I don't have the Lord having told me that there was only Noah that was that was righteous in his, in his bloodline, but the reason everybody else would be contaminated is because they would have gone through multiple generations of it. Again, there was 200 watchers.

They were each captains over 10. That would be 2000. And that they had reproduced. And so there was a possibility, there's a possibility that all of humanity, except for Noah and his immediate family were now this combination, this hybrid breed of really the demonic. So by extension, unsavable because they're not, I don't know, is that what you're kind of, is that what we understand?

Probably, if, if that were true, they would have been unsavable by that alone. And I'll save that part because there's a question coming up. I know that was. That was going to be very similar to that about that. And about the impregnating of, you know, let me, let me just ask it. But I haven't, let me go ahead and finish that.

Yeah. But there's, yeah, I could almost combine them into one, but so her actual her actual question is So why was Noah preaching if no one was going to get that was just Galita's question is why would Noah be preaching if no one's going to repent? And so I'll give two quick purposes for preaching.

Even if no one else was going to repent, because we obviously do know after the fact that nobody else repented. So it's like, we understand that he preached for a hundred years while he's building the ark and no one is repenting. It's like, was that a waste of a hundred years of preaching? And so no, from two perspectives, number one, we can, we can know his own family probably needed the preaching.

We know that they weren't even all that righteous. We have like ham after afterwards. And so, and we don't know about the daughters. So. We all know that it's not automatic that if you're Saved right with God that the kids are. And so the Lord needed that preached for about a hundred years just for his family to be added.

So it's not just, we'll say Noah or Noah and his wife. The second thing is probably. More like it. It's it's part of the legalese in the spirit. You raise accountability by raising a righteous standard the way we can easily understand that. Let's say you know, a driver who drives 100 miles an hour weaving in traffic and is drunk.

It's not automatic that he gets some penalty if if a policeman will would run him down. It's not an automatic thing. It's only some penalty. Illegal because a standard of what the law is has been raised. And so it's like, no speed limit is 60 or 70, whatever. When you get your driver's license, you find out, Hey, if you're, you know, more than 0.

10, whatever, depending on the state intoxicated, you are DUI, you're driving under the influence. And so you're illegal. So a standard has to be raised in order for someone to be able to enforce. When someone is doing evil. So for a hundred years or more Noah is preaching to the whole world telling them the standard of righteousness and he stands out like a sore thumb Because there's never been rain Nobody's built a boat.

Nobody's built an ark before and so word has definitely got out to everyone But this is the way Noah is preaching We understand because it's, it's a very severe consequence. Well, if we understood all of humanity being wiped out except for Noah, but the scriptures tell us, and he has not changed who he is, that our Lord is long suffering and in his long suffering, he allowed.

Noah to be preaching for a very, very, very long time, the word get out, and so that is, he could not, God will say legally, could not bring a severe judgment without clearly establishing the righteous protocol, the righteous standard. I think that makes, makes sense. I could go ahead and, and go to the, that, that question Steve.

Okay, on the. Watcher Angels, that was the second question and then we'll go back to this other one. Okay. Which is, not about this. How are the Watcher Angels, this one is Faith asking, but everybody wanted to ask this. It's like a hundred questions and Most of them wanted to know this. How were the watcher angels able to impregnate human with women?

I'm assuming they did not have the capacity to do that biologically. So what, what can you say about that? All right. So there's going to be some mystery because we don't, we don't fully know angel limitations. We know the fact that they, it says they're the ones that came down to women, that they could not produce offspring among themselves.

So they needed the women. And it wasn't just like it, you know, male men were not going to be what made it work. And so, so they couldn't reproduce. The egg are some aspect of what develops in the womb of a woman. They could not reproduce. They couldn't fertilize the embryo among themselves. And, and just as an aside, it seems like part of their violation was they were enraptured with the idea of reproduction of themselves, though, this was not for them.

They were made differently than humans and there's different than most of it was just. blessings beyond belief to live in the presence of the Lord and And and and just the purity and beauty of heaven And and not have that but they look down the ones that were sent down as watchers are observing This thing and they could be looking to this thing called love between men and women and be attracted to that but then they're apparently even more attracted to They wanted to have their own legacy of of themselves that which only Is in God's image can have, they, they wanted to do that.

And so, we do know angels can change shapes and sizes. This is, we have the reports from people that have experienced the angelic realm, but it's biblical as well. It tells us in Hebrews that we, we might've hosted angels unaware that look like, so we know they can look like men. So they have capability and they're also going to be very intelligent beings and having lived in that high level of wisdom and intelligence and maybe thousands, maybe millions of years.

And so they. Develop some capability in that of some just to say some artificial, I'll just call artificial sperm of some sort. It's something different. It's not the same. Because it produced giants and it produced unredeemable giants. So whatever they did, whatever tinkering they did, You know, what is it?

They call it bioequivalent. They have the, they'll say you know, things that you buy. They'll be like, well, it's not that, but it's the bioequivalent. They're producing some bioequip. They're like a synthetic version of that. Yeah. Yeah. So they're doing some synthetic version of it. They're all evil from inception, whatever it is.

It is it is source. That's why they can't be saved. That's why there's not Anybody who was who had that in them? That's why there was an irredeemable component To what was taking place on the planet is these that had started their process of tinkering with dna and All the other stuff that they're doing with that had had produced things that there were giants We'd say the nephilim You And other things so hopefully that answered Well, they certainly wouldn't be able to create life, but they You know, you hate to put the word technology, but there could have been a technology that they knew because they were super advanced beings I mean, our technology would be like playing in a sandbox compared to what they would know how to do.

Exactly. It's all, it's all speculation at best, right? But but don't we now, at a time like this, someone would say, could say, Well, I don't, that doesn't feel satisfying what Johnny just said. I don't, I'm not sure if I agree with that. The bottom line is, what God said in the word is the sons of God came down and saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they produced Nephilim, right?

So isn't it, for those who say this doesn't add up logically, don't, we still need to accept what God said they could do. Well, it's just what there is historical record of, including our accepted Bible, is that this happened, that the sons of God, Elohim these angelic creatures that fell that they, they did this and they came into the daughters of men.

So whether you, you know, whoever doesn't like it too much, we're just telling you what it says did happen. And they were told by Enoch, we understand that they were pointedly told not to do that by God. So that means. He knew they had the capability of doing that, that they had in their technological advances, they could do something from the male end, but they couldn't do something from the female end is what we it's, it's, it's more a self evident thing then.

And, and so that's, that's what took place. So anyway, but I know that's the first question people ask. Well, I assume they couldn't do that, but we assume that, but we don't know. We don't know. Okay, well, that's good. And all right. So the other one that everyone wanted to know is which version of the book of Enoch is there are versions of that just like there are versions of the Bible.

So which version of Enoch do you like? Yeah, and I'm glad I get to tell about this because in my own further digging from last week, we find that there is It is more complicated. That's why I say I made a statement, Jesus called Enoch scripture. And if you want to hear about that, read it last from last week listen last week, unless I get back on it somewhere other discussion here.

It's so Enoch there's scripture from Enoch, but the question is what is Enoch? Because I was pointing, I was reading. And it's not that I even recommend this, it just happened to be what I got, but it's the Books of Enoch Complete Edition, and, but it has not just one Enoch, it has what's called two Enoch, and then three Enoch.

Well, one Enoch we know at least a lot of one Enoch was Maybe up to 400 BC before Christ. So, and the argument is done, but it's hundreds of years before Christ. And what we know is that it had to be authored and entirely maybe 500 years later. What's called two Enoch and three Enoch, maybe five and 600 years later.

And so that tells us that that's why for me, there's no validation of two Enoch and three Enoch. Not yet. I still believe, and I'll just throw this in cause it comes to me right now. I believe we're about to discover. Have some discoveries that are similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls to help further unravel a riddle, because really that's what changed the perception of the book of Enoch really for about 1500 years, it was squelched and a dead, it was gone, no value.

And then all of a sudden the Dead Sea Scrolls 1946, 47, 48 where our own scriptures were validated when they, while they had been under tremendous assault by liberal theologians. And it was more powerful than people know what, what that discovery at the same time that Israel was being discovered, rediscovered as a nation that validated as a, as a nation.

There were about 20 percent of, of Enoch one or one Enoch, not Enoch one, Enoch one will be chapter one, but what's called one Enoch, about 20 percent of that was in the fragments there. And it was understood that this was the S scenes scripture and that this was actually let me I have a quote from this very author cause I'll just say this Robert H.

Charles, he is the one Robert H. Charles is the one that in 1913, I believe that he did that he did this translation in English that I do. I won't say I recommend it because the English is so antiquated and outdated that we now suggest back to just quickly state What was the author? The one you talked about to start with?

Michael, the one that yeah, yeah. That version is called Enoch's blessing, but it's, he just named it, put the word blessing on it so as not to confuse it with other Enoch books. It's his translation or transliteration or paraphrase of what those words mean. In the sentence, but and I believe it's that is that all considered one enoch this whole book that one that we just showed Well put that back up just a second.

Let me tell something about that. Okay. Yeah The modern English paraphrase. Of enix ancient writings. I do recommend this one because In fact, I this is something i've read since last week and There is the whole presentation of enic and why the material is important And even in his writings he has notes there that will show scores of references of enic that validate scripture You Or validate, you know, it would be something that later on is told in scripture and you could see, Oh, so that was told then because it was first said by, by Enoch, but this version that he has right here by, by Michael is he has 59 chapters.

Okay. And I mentioned 108 chapters last week and ultimately in doing some more due diligence, I find out the terror. There are over 90 there are over 90 versions of let's see how to say this. Manuscripts from multiple languages, so from Greek, Aramaic, Ethiopian, et cetera, et cetera. So. You can look up the book of Enoch, and they may, you may be reading two Enoch or three Enoch, and I don't believe they're validated.

It needs number one to be one Enoch, and then it's going to be slightly different. And names will be slightly different. I mentioned there are seven archangels and in some that the archangels have a little bit of different names at some point we might go through because those seven archangels are saying that I have in my my rise book.

And I didn't directly get it from. Enoch there was the Lord had me go up one. There's a whole story there One archangel after archangel one archangel per mountain and there's a story for each one But ultimately when I had all seven of them, I did find those seven in various different books of enoch So, there is the confusing part of just saying yeah Enoch needs to be added as the next book book of the bible is the fact that enoch In typical enemy fashion, he will infiltrate and attach so many things to it.

Yeah. So for instance, in this book there'll be 108 hundred. There's some, this might be 107, some have 108 chapters. And and so, but there's really about 59 or 60 genuinely. Correct. Or we'll just say that they resonate. And if you understand the scholarly work behind it, I'm doing more of that right now, I'm going to be doing more of that as well.

I feel like the Lord really said it's kind of a task he has before me is to kind of vet this thing best and actually recommend to to the body of christ that that listens and listens to me in this kind of way. It's fine either way It's valuable for you as a as a resource to do treasure hunting treasure digging in it but it's not the whole the whole thing like You can imagine if if just anybody who adds And just write something and says this is Enoch 5.

You don't just say take it because it says Enoch 5 on it. There there is a need and to look at things and look at We'll say the scholarly level of it. Now for Explanation on that as as well. Steve is the fact that oh, I know I was going to read let me do that first Got too many points Things going at one time.

So this Dr. R. H. Charles, he was a Yale University director of the Dead Sea Scrolls studies. But this is a comment he made. This is the one that did this translation 1913. The influence of Enoch on the New Testament has been greater than that of all other apocryphal and pseudepigraphical. Now that word pseudepigraphical is like I don't know why such a long word would be used.

And I'll explain what it means. Books taken together. It says all the writers of the New Testament were familiar with Enoch's book and were more or less influenced by it in thought and diction. So And then he wrote, there is ample evidence that Enoch's lost book story and its 1500 year disappearance from Western Christianity revolves around a concerted effort made by the Roman Catholic Church to suppress and censure its distribution.

It, no doubt, initially accepted by Jewish and Christian communities. So, and the reason it would be suppressed by Jewish and Orthodox communities. Jewish rabbis, scribes and leaders is because it has the son of man has jesus. It has jesus, not by name jesus, but by the elect one would be what he's called.

And other things he is, And talked about again from hundreds of years before Jesus ever shows up, the new Jerusalem is described. And so these are things that they couldn't, they couldn't take. So I firmly believe that this, there is, it's a God thing right now. That I read even last week that there was a there's been a suppression the fact that this thing was pretty much Like if you're the enemy and thinking man, it's a good thing We have enix books suppressed and you go about 1500 years and there's like it's not getting out anywhere And then all of a sudden there's this revival of enic and the book is all over the place and all kinds of people are Interested in it.

Yeah all kinds of spiritual people. It's like You Enoch himself saw a day where his writings would be restored and where he said, you know, the day my writings are fully restored, that is the generation where all these Enochian things would begin to be revealed. And they really connect totally with the Daniel thing we're talking about, the day of the saints.

Where a gavel, an order from heaven has been given where it's time for the saints to take the kingdom. So Enoch coming alive again to us today is invalidating, is invalidating, not invalidating, but invalidating who he was, what he was able to do. The fact that he walked with God, if you can think of the biggest oversight in the Bible.

Is the fact that there is a man who walked 365 years or at least he walked most of those years. He was a child early on with God to the point where he did not die and, and and so it confirms us in the new Testament as well, that by faith Enoch did not die. So You like you think like well, there's anybody that should have a whole book that we should have a whole book Anybody we should know about is this person who because nobody in the scripture even if yeah elijah there is a case It's not just a case.

It's a reality. Elijah did not pass away He was taken in a chariot, but he did not leave, you know Uh, we had about 300 more years for enoch than he did moses went to the mountains and we could say possibly he didn't die as well, but at age one 30 something. And so no one walked with God for 300 years and knew him in that kind of way.

It's like, Man, we need that. So there's part of the Lord bringing this back is not so we have blow by blow detail of 300 years, but that it's possible to walk with God. It's possible to keep saying yes to him, saying no to this thing, no to the devil and championing and being a writer that tells over and over and over and over in your writings that on earth, we are going to see the sons and daughters of the King be mighty.

That the wicked will be removed in front in, in the, in the very presence of the good guys, the church that Glacia, that Glacia will arise and there will be a progressive advancement, multi generational advancement. That's what comes out over and over and over in the book of Enoch, a progressive advancement of righteousness to the point where you look and you cannot find unrighteousness anywhere.

Amazing. That's biblical in the regular bible. That's something that we have never been taught in the church. You think of the hundreds of years of church history, people were not teaching, unless you know something, I don't know, that on this earth people We're going to become essentially almost sin free.

I don't know what the term would be, but there'd be so much righteousness that it's almost like people living without sin. I don't know. Well, it is that, and there's part of, you know, a prophetic word I've referred to several over and over with us. Steve is from Rosh Hashanah two years ago, and a word that was written out was on Elijah list that.

Back to eden is where it was. It was at rosh hashanah that I wrote a word called back to eden And that as a sign that we're going back to eden. We're not going towards antichrist beast false prophet take over the world We're going to the era of back to eden Is that there could be a nine point earthquake in antarctica that had never ever happened before and that it might not be registered by normal Scaling and of course We then showed that we, we showed who had in the graph on it was 8.

99. No, it was a nine. And, and so that happened like two months after that prophetic word. So this is furthering this call, this assignment. We're going back to Eden. That's what the Daniel thing was about, that this kingdom of God is going to fill, became a mighty mountain, filled the whole earth. And it crushed every other kingdom.

This is the future. This is what we're stepping into. We're going through this narrow place to being birthed into this new reality. And so the attention to Daniel, the attention to Enoch is on this. And so that's why part of what Enoch points out in his writings is that God commanded him to pass this information down from generation to generation.

Even though this might be another question I'm answering before we get there, but it's fine. You know, it is, I won't say widely assumed, but they're probably right that writing didn't take place till 5000 years ago. And so that there is not actual writing. Some of I don't, we'll say the legend of Enoch, something we don't know for sure is that he could have been the first writer.

He was called scribe of righteousness as, as well. It would have been, it's not like people like, well, because that, that word, I just get a hard word, pseudepigraphical, means that, The author of the book did not actually write it and so, we need to explain that because people will, they'll say, well, how can you believe in the book of Enoch?

It's a pseudepigraphical. It's not even can't be written by him. Well, it can't be written by him because nobody wrote it. When he was on planet earth, there is no writings from back then in the, in the convenient con conventional way of thinking of, of, of writing. So it would have been passed down generationally orally.

And, and then at some point, as some form of writing began to take place, there were different scripts that began to be put together. But for multiple generations, it probably was verbal and oral. And so we know he and Noah had interaction. We'd say that Enoch probably orally not in writing. So yeah, you're not going to find the scraps of Enoch passed on the writings to Noah.

And then, because it was very clear, he first told his son that Methuselah is like, what I'm telling you has to go down generations. So they made some they, they accommodated that in some way. Like I said, I believe we're actually going to discover something pretty soon that validates this to the next level because God wants his people changing the narrative.

The narrative of the 90 percent of the body of Christ is a mess. Even what you see going around, man, the stuff I'm seeing on. TikTok, Instagram, oh yeah, it's the last days and this is about to happen and the Antichrist, beast, false prophet, and this and you know, I have a question about that and the narrative that is 90 percent what you're, you know, everyone's talking about that, the beast, rapture, blah, blah, blah, false prophet.

Johnny, do you believe, or does it seem clear that as the Lord's narrative into this earth and the manifestation of the sons of God and there's righteousness in cities It's hard to you'd have to find a city where you can sin When that happens is the narrative going to be completely on its head Where we're probably no one's going to be talking about the imminent rapture and let's get ready Is that that is that going to go away finally?

It will and because the only reason that it exists is because the opposite hasn't happened It's like you can just look at israel You know israel's under all kinds of assault and attack and and there's an unclear picture That is israel being saved from evil elite people that call themselves jews or whatever, but there's clearly the hand of god Restoring the nation of israel in the midst of everything that's taking place and for 2 000 years There was no way that could be believed.

A lot of the, we'll say the turbo behind replacement theology was like Israel hasn't been a nation in 2000 years. How in the world could the scripture talking about actual Israel? They've had to change it. Because like, okay, there is Israel. And so We've, you know, go to David and we'll say David and Goliath.

And so you could see for 40 days, they're all comfortable with Leah. No, we can't take out these kinds of giants. No, we just, this is way like God has to do this somehow God's going to do it. And then a David shows up and does it and they go, what? And as soon as he did it, it said, and all the men of Israel began to yell.

And they let out a shout and then they, they chased, they had no new weapons, but they, they just

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