How I'm Controlling Pests Organically | Natural Pesticides

10 months ago

In this video, I talk about the issues I ran into with pests, and show you what I did to manage them. I also explain the Korean JADAM method of regenerative farming and show you how I made their organic, natural pesticide.

For 5 Liters : Stage 1
With protective eyewear and gloves, pour 0.16 kg (0.35 lb) Potassium Hydroxide into 0.12 L (0.03 gal) Soft Water (Rainwater or Distilled) in a Stainless Steel Pot. Watch out for fumes, and ppot will be hot to touch. Stir with a silicone spatula until completely dissolved. Pour in 0.9 L (0.24 gal) Canola Oil. With immersion blender, blend for 5-10 minutes, depending on temperature and speed. Stop when mixture turns into a thin mayonnaise consistency. Cover pot with lid. Wait 3 days (average)

Stage 2
It is safe to touch at this point. Pour 1 L soft water into hardened mixture in the pot. Use immersion blender or silicone spatula to break up the soap, scraping it all off the sides of the pot. The mixture is sudsy now and will stick to tools. You can use your hands to mix. Pour 3 L soft water into pot. Can stir after this point, but do not use blender anymore. Wait 24 hours (average), checking on it and possibly stirring it a little until it turns into liquid soap.

Add 10x soft water when preparing for use as an organic pesticide for proper ratio.

Sharing my story about moving from the desert in Arizona to a secluded part of land in the country to build a permaculture garden and thriving homestead.

Aside from a few raised garden beds in the past, I have never done anything like this before on this scale. I'm learning as I go along, but am sharing my love and enthusiasm for reconnecting with nature, growing my own food, and living more sustainably.

I believe that our connection to nature is vital for our health, and for the health of the planet. We must come back to the earth to sustain life and live more vibrantly, as nature intended. This is not just a way of living, but a way of life.

I garden the NAKED way. I don't use any herbicides, pesticides, or chemicals, and that carries through in every other aspect of my life as well - from the type of products I use, the food I eat, and the environment I keep. I also soak up the sun and let the earth touch my skin as often as possible ;)

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Music from mixed artists including:
Rue Royale
Wooden Ambulance
Bob Wiseman
Marisa Anderson

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