Indy Hammered Knives Neighborhood

10 months ago

"Wont you be MY Neighbor"??? Well, if your close to my age you may remember a mutual friend Mr. Rogers. My favorite episodes were those where he would take you down the street to his friends businesses and show you a little glimpse into their world. Ahhhhhhh what a simpler time.

Thank you Mr. Rogers for trying to make this a better world!
So come with me on a trip down the street in MY NEIGHBORHOOD and visit my friend Chris Yoke, from the Yoke Pen Company who does my laser engraving!!! Even if you weren't a fan of the show, you'll want to see his amazing LASER!!!!

(And here is a great did you know.....Mr. Fred Rogers was an ordained minister and contrary to many rumors was not in the military nor was he a Navy Seal (sorry Heath Gibson).

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