Curious Cat Scared By Pet Caiman Alligator In Aquarium Tank

6 years ago

Pet alligators are not a common pet, so were we a cat we would be intensely curious about a newfound alligator in our house.

Satisfaction may have brought the cat back but curiosity certainly gets him in trouble…

We are not cats but our curiosity was peaked. Can you keep an alligator as a pet? The answer is. Yes and no. The most common alligator that becomes a pet is the Caiman, and this is mostly because the Caiman is considered on the smaller end of alligators. That being said even the Dwarf Caiman can grow to up to five feet long. The Black Caiman can grow bigger than normal alligators; up to 19 feet long for some individual Black Caimans! Not every state has requirements when it comes to owning alligators as pets. In Florida, for example, you need a permit to own a gator once it hits six feet in length. Other states require permits because alligators are classified as dangerous animals. You also need quite a bit of space for an alligator.

This cat got a little too close to that gator in an aquarium tank!

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