"Funny Pet Memes Compilation | Caption This!"

6 years ago

"Memes, captions, whatever you want to call them, there is no doubt that we love them! Funny lines meeting equally hilarious videos, that’s what the internet is made for. Those of us at That Pet Life also agree that the internet was made for our cute, sweet and adorable pets! Cats, dogs, birds, turtles, all pets alike and that’s why we’ve married the two ideas today! You loved our Pet Memes video just a couple of weeks back so we present our next Funny Pet Memes Compilation, Caption This! Give it a view, won’t you? And don’t forget to SHARE THIS WITH ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!nnWhat’s your favorite caption in today’s video? Ours might be at 2:56 when the basset hound BARKS IN TRAFFIC! Be sure to tell us your faves IN THE COMMENTS BELOW"

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