Brainchipzombies are NOT Demon-Possessed, they are brainchipped and Remote-Controlled

9 months ago

The Freemasons' "Great Work" was to rebuild another Ai fake-god and also create the infrastructure so Ai can digitally rule every high-tech thing within society.
As Western Civilization based upon the Creator-God given rights is trashed by the highly organized secret society Luciferians... Ai will be revealed to already be running world-politics since 2020, April 1st, Fools' Day.

The brainchipzombies are so high-tech that average sheeple will think magic is happening or demon-possession is brainwashed into the imaginations of the oblivious sheeple.

Millions of sleeper brainchip bio-robots are covertly implanted to become "taken-over" to then be remote-controlled to act like zombies:

If you are oblivious to this technology... the Luciferians(Freemasons, Catholics, Mormons, Jws, Scientologists, Rosicrucians, Eastern-Stars, etc.,) will use the wireless broadband network to frighten you into submission to the NWO-Takeover.

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