Judgement and Love Co-Exist

6 months ago


-Is non judgement: judgement and love can not co-exist
-Your dna projects ur hologram: when I judge myself, I am in essence not accepting that part of me as a part of god; and what you judge becomes the shadow and you will attract more of that into your hologram until you accept it
-When u don’t judge whats withIN yourself, your dna projects a clear hologram-no fear/complete acceptance and you enter into complete unprogrammed experience/the Queendom/Kingdom and the hero and the villain/the journey and the goal collapse into the perfection of the ONE NOW and u see God in everything because u see God in yourSelf.

About me 👇

Beloveds, It's a joy to share with you the Eternal Life Wisdom. Much of this wisdom is based on the Science of Source teachings. The latest human to bring forth some of this wisdom is Ashayana Deane in her books Voyagers 1, 2. This wisdom goes deep into eternal life perspectives, and shares techniques and spiritual codes that can activate your limitless potential through your potential/intron DNA.

The more you accrete your potential DNA, the higher your frequency will become and you will be able to manifest and materialize more rapidly into your 3D hologram. It will also awaken your Starseed memory and begin reconnecting to your ancient roots - Atlantis, Lemuria, Lyra, etc. It will also help you unify the polarity and integrate your ego into the sacred law of One.

This wisdom is what that my soul has searched for many lifetimes and it's a joy to share it with you. I hope it can be a catalyst on your healing journey and awaken the potential for eternal life. As always, take what resonates, and leave what doesn't. Love. Light. Peace. and Truth to All sentient BE-ings.

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