What Is Truth? (2024)

11 months ago

What is truth? This should not be a controversial question, yet today it is. Jesus Christ clearly defined truth. Discover the real definition of truth—and the only way to find truth in any aspect of life.

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Just before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ discussed truth. He declared that the lovers of truth in any age would hear His voice. How many people today consider God the one source and originator of all truth?

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet John’s Gospel—The Love of God to understand some of the most profound and inspiring truth in the entire Bible. The Apostle John wrote his Gospel account with more depth than the others because he spent a lot of extra time with Jesus Christ. John was the one whom Jesus loved. In many one-on-one conversations with John, Christ shared deeper knowledge of God’s master plan for mankind.

John pondered this remarkable personal instruction for 60 years before recording it in his Gospel account. He discovered the eternal prehistory of God and the Word—long before the creation of the angels, the Earth, the universe or mankind. He grasped the astonishing reason why the Word became Christ and sacrificed His life for every human who has ever lived. He really understood the God Family vision.

Study John’s Gospel—The Love of God for the kind of life-changing truth that can’t be found anywhere else. Only John discusses these subjects: the mighty I AM and who He really was; the resurrection of Lazarus and how it relates to your incredible human potential; the Samaritan woman and what her encounter with Jesus means for the world; and why Jesus wept.

With this truth, the only truth, in your mind, God can build His joy in your life.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem. God says Jerusalem will one day be called the city of truth! In the wonderful World Tomorrow, all nations will flow to Jerusalem to be taught God’s truth. Families will be united and safe. Everyone will be happy because they will know the truth.

You will also receive a free copy of this Key of David transcript, “What Is Truth?” What a future lays in store for all mankind, and it all starts with God’s truth. God invented truth. His truth transforms human minds. You can love the truth—and experience peace and joy as a result.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request John’s Gospel—The Love of God, The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem, and “What Is Truth?” Order now!

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