"Reclaiming Our Crown: The Power and Purpose Within Psalm 8"

11 months ago

Yahusha declared that all he has done, we can do also, and even greater works, as stated in John 14:12, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." This video is a clarion call to all who seek to rediscover their divine essence and embrace the healing power that has been bestowed upon us.
We explore how societal programming has veiled our understanding of our true potential and how, akin to the prodigal son, we find ourselves awakening in the 'pig pens' of our making. This journey is about shattering the illusions that have limited us, reclaiming our authority over creation, and living in the fullness of the power that Yahusha has shared with us.
Pig Pens: drugs, sickness, addictions, demonic possessions, adultery, wars, murders, depression, lonely, fearful, homelessness, SA, CT you get the idea.

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