Stop using White Sugar...

9 months ago

White sugar is sweet, delicious, good tasting and a dangerous concentrated weetner. White sugar is a refined carbohydrate and is technically classified as a drug. It takes four pancreases to process white sugar. Humans have one pancreas. White sugar stresses the pancreas, kidneys, liver, starves the brain of oxygen, causes adrenal weakness, baldness, attention deficits, blindness, tooth decay, high blood pressure, allergies, bone loss, infertility, cataracts, glaucoma, nerve damage (i.e., Multiple Sclerosis), brain damage (Alzheimers), senility, kidney failure, diabetes, mood swings, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity and arthritis. It causes cellular waste to congest the soft tissue and bones, requires large amounts of water to flush it out the system and it is one of the most addicting and harmful drug used.

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