The Four Stage Return of Christ - A Basic Revelation Outline -Part 1

5 months ago

"The Four Stage Return of Christ"
A Basic Revelation Outline -Part 1

Chronology of Revelation is progressive and accumulative in nature, interjected at times with explanatory passages. (Notice the phrases are always “hereafter”, “after this” and “then” not “another view of this event is”. Also notice sections of explanation pause the chronology “What meanith” or “come and see” etc. Rearranging of the Book is often done to get man’s theology to fit but God’s order is correct.)

--Chapters:1-4 For His Body 5-7 For His House 8-14 For His Nation 15-22 For His Kingdom

-Chapters 1-4 For His Body (Rapture of the Church, 7 Candlesticks) Time: Now till the Rapture
Chapter 1: Return of Christ for the church.(1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)
Chapters 2-3: Judgment of the churches. (2 Corinthians 5:10, 20)
Chapter 4: Rapture of the church to Heaven by the Spirit. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-7)

Guided by the Angel from Christ who will explain to him the events that he sees (1:1) John is caught up in the Spirit on the LORD’S DAY with Christ and the seven churches (1:10-18, 1:20). After brief explanation letters to the churches of this present time and their judgment they are then taken by Christ by the Spirit to Heaven through Heaven’s door (4:1-2) into God’s throne room where we see the elders of the Church worshiping God and casting their crowns before Him (4:11). Notice they already have their rewards (4:4). From this room the church will see what happens “hereafter” they and the Spirit of Christ (HG in us) are removed from the earth.

- Chapters 5-7 For His House (Cleansing the Temple, 7 Seals) Time: Rapture til Midweek
Chapter 5: Christ is found worthy to open the book and start Daniel’s 70th week (D.9).
Chapter 6: Christ opens six seals, which initiates the first half of Daniel’s 70th week,
Chapter 7: Christ re-initiates events of Ezekiel and Matt 23-24 leading to desolation of Anti-Christ Israel, The great tribulation, and the birth of righteous Israel.

Christ, now reunited with his Spiritual body, now claims his role as Head of Israel (5:5-6) in order to restart Daniel’s 7th Week and to reclaim his earthly throne (The ark of the convent), as shown in the visions of Ezekiel 7-11. This throne will be transported to Israel’s desolate house (the Temple in Israel), in which the Ani-Christ will attempt to claim by placing his image in it (2 Thess 2:4, Ezekiel 8). This Act cause God's glory to appear upon the throne, who then directs seven angels judge the wicked and seal the righteous in the temple and in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 8). This event will anger the Anti-Christ who will then retaliate by initiating war against the saints who flee Jerusalem and enter the wilderness (Matthew 24:15-22). The anti-Christ will then initiate the “Great tribulation purge” by slaughtering any non-sealed but repentant people he can find and will reclaim the city (Psalm 79:1-4) but not the temple or the inner court which will be divinely protected so that he two prophets God chooses can witness in the inner court before the temple doors to the world (Revelation 11).

-Chapters 8-14 For His Nation (Saving Sealed Israel, 7 Trumpets) Time: Last half of the week
Chapter 8-9: Christ opens 7th seal initiating Prayer of Slaughtered Saints from 6:10-11, 7:13-15 and Psalm 79. and Six angels sound the coming Judgment of God.
Chapter 10: John is shown the Seven Thunders that will come just after the seventh angel sounds but before the vial judgments. They will reveal God's eternal plans.
Chapter 11: Two temple prophets described. Called away just before 7th angel sounds.
Chapter 12: New Israel's Spiritual struggle with The Devil is shown.
Chapter 13: The earth's Struggle with the Beast and False Prophet is shown.
Chapter 14: Christ gathers Israel to Mt. ZION and gathers the World to be judged.

-Chapters 15-22 For His Kingdom (Judging the World, 7 Vials) Time: Last day of the week
Chapter 15: The Vials of wrath shown going out of the Heavenly temple.
Chapter 16: The Vials are poured out upon the earth. Great Babylon Judged.
Chapter 17: Great Babylon described as a Whore. The Whore and Beast explained.
Chapter 18: Great Babylon destroyed for killing the saint of God.
Chapter 19: Marriage supper of the Lamb and supper of The Great God.
Chapter 20: Thousand year reign and the final Judgment explained.
Chapter 21: New heavens and earth, New Jerusalem, God reunited with man.

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