Thorough Repentance Prayer

6 months ago

Thorough Repentance prayer
Heavenly father,
I come before you to confess to you all my sins.
I ask you for forgiveness for (name of your offenses starting with deadly sins
Call all your sins below out loud
1.)Addictions/gluttony, 2.)Greed,3,)wrath/bitterness, 4.)lust/covetousness 5.)envy/jealousy
6.)pride 7.)Slothfulness/idleness
I hereby forgive those who hurt me and whom I’ve held grudges against. I confess awareness that I’m not entitled to demand forgiveness from others because it
must first and foremost be be granted by you Oh Lord my God.
I now ask holy spirit to fill my heart with knowledge of any specific trespasses I am guilty of. I promise to correct those mistakes in the name of Jesus Christ by never repeating them again.
Specifically any form of abuse I have
inflicted on others.
Thank you Lord for forgiving me as I now forgive those whom I am required to let go (Name those who offended you)
I place all my hurt and resentments into your care .I now release the Sins I’ve held on to in order to break the chains of bondage that prevent me from moving forward.
I know I cannot continue to grow spiritually without letting go of these offenses.
(Name any that come to mind)
Thank you father for your mercy and grace by forgiving me today.

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