Trump - Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) - A "Lost" Video

5 months ago

I have done many many thousands of hours of research, about 17,000hrs in just the past 4 years and very few videos have escaped me but I have never seen this one. Clearly a video that was buried by the deep-state media/big tech. HCQ if my memory served me right was classed as a vaccine, the definition of "vaccine" was also redefined by the deep-state to encapsulate the clot shot which is NOT a vaccine. Trump gave comms many times of being "proud" of the vaccine but he was using the art of war and I said back then and I will say again....future proves past. I do believe many people were given HCQ instead of the intended clot shot, Trump knew the deep-state's intentions, that's why he was so confident to have a vaccine rolled out by Christmas 2020, and the media certainly didn't like that, I wonder why? Trump played an Ace card, many lives were saved and very few people were aware of it. The cabal wanted to kill 7 billion people, this was openly discussed for years (see the video 1994 World Population Summit Cairo, it's on my channel), it was even written on the Georgia Guidestones in a more palatable offering "maintain a population of 500 million in harmony with nature" or words to that effect, only dumb fools would be fooled by that.

Trump said he will give power back to the people, he wanted people to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and to do their own research, instead of believing the media, the people he referred to for years as FAKE NEWS....Trump was telling you for years, long before Covid was unleashed, a genetic bioweapon of DARPA and the deep-state at Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Fort Detrick. Trump could not be seen to defy the CDC and FDA or the WHO or he'd have been classed as a dictator and rejected by many who were foolishly tricked by the mass psychosis. This is why the anons worked hard pushing the truth, MONTHS before the covid jab was rolled out, we knew the jabs would cause auto-immune and auto-inflammatory diseases and we knew what the jabs contained 5 months before the roll-out. Ending the lockdowns was a priority and that came on the back of the "vaccine", this is why the deep-state and media wanted to continue the lockdowns as they dreamed up new bullsh!t variants, because the deep-state's original intention was to have continual lockdowns in place until at least 2025, giving them more time to produce more kill shots. This is why the media slammed Trump for having the vaccine ready by Christmas 2020, five years of lockdowns would have destroyed all will to live and Florida showed courage. It has always been my belief that Trump and the military flooded the world with HCQ and what kill shots were pushed into circulation were seized, but sadly with all wars there are casualties. Had Trump done nothing there'd have been billions killed, many people would have committed suicide due to lockdowns.

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