April 5, 2024

11 months ago

For some time now, the lawyer Dr. Rainer Piolmich has been arrested after a case was allegedly sewn up for him. Why and why?
Because when an esteemed lawyer with an international reputation reveals the truth, the word has a great impact on the people, and it destroys the regime's brainwashing.

Advocate Piolmich:
"When I started researching the corona virus, I found out that it was all a scam. Also global warming and the crisis in Ukraine. The corona was an experiment of psychological tools with the aim of controlling humans, total control. If we manage to get you to not visit your grandparents and lock yourself in a room, we can later get you to do whatever we want.
The goal of all of this is to thin out the population, to eliminate billions of people, and for everyone to become submissive and obedient slaves.
They wanted us to kill ourselves with the injections.
It didn't start in the years of the corona scam. They have been making the children obedient for years with the help of the "education" system. and are engaged in making us live under constant fear.
With the goal that with the help of fear we will become stupid and obedient.
After researching 450 experts I can say that the people who have taken over all the positions of power in the world, science, medicine are psychopaths, and they need you scared and confused because that way they can get into your bed
and control you. This is what also happened in Germany after the First World War: the German people were hysterical, and it was a convenient platform for the American financial bakery to plant its agent Hitler in Germany.
A German philosopher named Immanuel Kant said: "If you want to be called a man, don't let another person tell you what to do or not, you must use your brain and make your own decisions."

Unfortunately, the rabbi lawyer Piolmich is still locked up in the regime's basements, even at this moment.

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