Dems Are Pushing Hard to Get Justice Sonia Sotomayor To Retire (She's 12 Years Younger Than Biden)

11 months ago

Democrats are really pushing for Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire so that President Joe Biden can pick her replacement. This is another one of those stories that makes you think the Democrats are preparing for Biden to lose in 2024. Kind of incredible that Dems are running a nominee who is 81 years old while trying to force out the only Latina Justice because she’s 69 years old and they think that signals it’s time to retire. That's pretty funny. Their candidate would be 86 at the end of his second term, but they're worried that Sotomayor is going to die before November. That is 78-year-old Democrat senator Richard Blumenthal who's trying to nudge 69-year-old Justice Sotomayor into the retirement home. Two interesting things about this. First, it indicates genuine terror that Biden can't win, which is why Blumenthal should spearhead an effort to get him off the ticket rather than yell at Sotomayor. Second, get me some popcorn.

Also calling for Sotomayor to retire for everyone's good is former MSNBC host Medhi Hasan, who wrote a column for The Guardian: -- God forbid you tell a senile 81-year-old not to run for re-election, and instead demand that a fully lucid woman who's not even 70 retire in order to prepare for his inevitable loss. What's the problem? Joe Biden is a lock for 2024, and then Kamala Harris will be our president for the next eight years. It's almost like they're preparing for Biden to lose.

• More at: Twitchy - Democrats Are Pushing Really Hard to Get Justice Sonia Sotomayor to Retire

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