Who causes Muslim-Hindu violence in Britain? Dark Web analysis by a US Security expert | Episode 2.

10 months ago

Dr. Joel Finkelstein of NCRI (USA) explains his findings on the agendas and culprits behind the violence between Muslims and Hindus in places like Leicester (UK). This is the second of a multi-part series with Rajiv Malhotra.

time stamps :

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:22 Instigation of violence
00:03:17 ISIS supporters
00:05:44 Ecosystem of media amplifiers
00:07:47 Who's talking to whom?
00:09:01 Hindutva memes
00:10:13 Hinduphobia
00:13:54 Building a timeline
00:15:18 Conclusion

Snakes in the Ganga - http://www.snakesintheganga.com
Varna Jati Caste - http://www.varnajaticaste.com
The Battle For IIT's - http://www.battleforiits.com
Power of future Machines - http://www.poweroffuturemachines.com
10 heads of Ravana - http://www.tenheadsofravana.com

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