11 months ago



The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is said to cause AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) - an epidemic in the 1980's. I say "said", because HIV never existed. The many Deaths from AIDS most likely occurred from Patients taking the DRUGS to treat Immune Deficiency:

"AZT was initially used to treat AIDS victims in the 1980’s. This is a lethal chemotherapy drug. The FDA placed a severe warning label on AZT saying it was toxic and should only be used for two weeks. It ended up being the “actual killer” of AIDS victims. The reason why an HIV diagnosis was considered a death sentence was because the drug used to treat HIV caused millions of deaths."


If your next question is "How were immune systems compromised?", the answer is antibiotics & illicit drugs. In the 1980's, drugs like "Poppers" (amyl nitrite) were very popular. Poppers can severely damage one's immune system. Also, People were getting Sexually Transmitted Infections over and over again, then using Antibiotics for treatment. Taking Antibiotics repeatedly can also damage your immune system.

This is the URL to the German Court Case/ruling where it talks about AZT:
A quote:
"And there is no doubt that AZT-as well as the HIV-medications in general are deadly themselves when used as long-term-medication."
In Court, Scientists admitted HIV has never been identified under a microscope.
The Judgement: "The German Bundestag... intentionally safeguards acts of killings by the state by deliberately misleading the public. Healthy people are intentionally lead into a deadly medication via tests with invalid results and then die."

This URL details the lack of evidence of HIV in the blood of any AIDS patient:

A quote:
"Every layman understands that an individual proof for an infection with a virus is impossible, if the existence of the virus has never been generally proven."

“Most surprisingly, nobody has ever succeeded in demonstrating HIV particles in the blood of any AIDS patient…..This embarrassing lack of…..evidence……was first reported during an important AIDS conference that took place in Pretoria, South Africa, in May 2000…No one…….could demonstrate the presence (of HIV) in the blood of AIDS patients….a substantial award ($100.000) was officially offered….to anybody who would demonstrate HIV particles in the blood….the award has never been claimed.”

"All the AIDS cases in Africa were initially diagnosed as malaria or tuberculosis. Weight loss and a persistent fever were even classified as AIDS."

CV - a repeat of HIV. The CV P*~•*~•c was declared on 03/11/2020. 113 & 311 are the Numbers of Falsities, Untruths, Deception.
Hospitals were paid $38,000 for every CV Death. So, there was incentive to diagnose Patients & place them on ventilators. Why 38,000 when Death = 38?

My own ordeal when I had flu symptoms (I've had the flu several times so I know what the flu feels like): The Hospital went back and forth about my diagnosis. At first, the Doctor said it was the flu. An hour after that, he said they were trying to determine if it was the flu or CV. 15 minutes after that, I was told it was CV. Instead of the prescribed medication, I took the same medicine I have always taken for the flu. My symptoms were alleviated in 2 days.

Back to HIV:
It's disturbing how certain drugs (being prescribed now) are said to "reduce HIV to levels not detectable in the blood". Well, It wouldn't be detectable if it never existed in the first place.

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