Leaked Footage Of The "Coming" Solar Eclipse!

5 months ago

I've just obtained leaked Marsupial People🐨🐨🐨 news footage🎥 sent to the past⏰ (our "present") "⏰"showing what will happen on April 8th, 2024. 🌹✝📐💡⚖☠G There's a reason why "THEY" want us all to prepare while we stay ignorant to the real-reality of it all: the threat of those that live "DOWN UNDER"⬇⬇⬇, as in under the hollowed-flat Earth. There's a reason why the "Northern" (Heads) Hemisphere (Flatosphere) has Summer when the "Southern" (Tails) Hemisphere (Flatosphere) is having Winter...Cause its upside down then, leaving the Sun's "rays" (just like rays in your arithmetics that are on FLAT paper) unable to heat the Earth Coin all even-stevens. Now it makes perfect sense why humans "decided" to use "coins" as currency, instead of the far superior paper and digital currency of today times; they were more one with the real-reality of it all, instead of the "useless eucalyptus pickers" we've become. Take both Red AND Blue pills with me, AMs and PMs, and we shall break-on-through to a purple midnight, a purple noon, or die trying and swell up like a purple balloon!🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏🚫🍌🥞✌🚕🚫 -After watching this brief "future" survival guide, it'll show just what you need to prepare for✔✔✔, which is just what you see after what happens to the Sun.🌞🌞🌞

#🌚🚫🌞⚠⌚? #🚫🐨🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ #🚫🍌🥞✌🚕 #🌎🥿🚫📀 #🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🚢🌉 #🌍🕳🅾🥿 #🚫☝(🤮👨G💰)4️⃣🔁 #Joe Biden, #Donald Trump, #Summon, #Science, #Fact, #Real, #Proof, #Lizard People, #Lizzo People, #Flat Earth, #Atlantis, #NWO, #WW3, #Aliens (the space kind), #WW4, #Bush, #Shrub, #Aliens (the border kind), #(0\/1] 19, #WW5, #Russia, #Ukraine, #Marsupial People (the REAL threat), #Eric-the-Half-a-Bee, #WW6, #Global Warming, #ManBearPig, #China (the country), #Hollow Earth, #P-Diddler, #Illuminati, #reddit, #You're it!, #Did You Get That Last One?, #China (the dishes), #Obama, #Michael Obama, #Mars, #Moonbases, #Alex Jones, #Sam-Squanch, #🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌, #I'm Sure We've All Been Up At 3am And Seen A Video With Tags Like This

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