Fairfield County Commissioners | Full Meeting | April 2, 2024

11 months ago

#RogueMediaReports #FairfieldCounty #CommissionersMeeting #PublicComments #VoxPopuli #IndustrialSolar
The full meeting of the Fairfield County Commissioners' weekly meeting for April 2, 2024.

The meeting began with Lancaster Fairfield Public Transit 2023 Year in Review.

Public Comments was extended as part of the discussions around Industrial Solar and started at 20:50 and ending at 1:00:08. Ray Stemen, Lancaster started off public comments by talking about the World Health Organization threatening U.S. sovereignty and concluded with a Christian prayer.

Next, Judy Stemen of Lancaster spoke about informed consent concerns over medical procedures. Celina McCord of MIllersport spoke against industrial solar. This was echoed by Beth Cottrill of Amanda, but also thanked the Commissioners for having the discussion.

A resident of Walnut Township (it was hard to understand his name) had questions about industrial solar and many more need to asked, but was not necessarily opposed to the development. He was followed by Laborers Local 423 ( http://www.423members.org/) representative Randy McGuire (non-county resident), spoke in favor due to the jobs being brought by industrial solar to his members. Frank Uhl of Lancaster and of Local 18 (https://oe18.org/) was a supporter also because of the jobs.

Kevin Elder of Pleasantville spoke in support of exclusionary zones to restrict industrial solar development. Francis Martin and Tim Knisley of Millersport spoke in opposition of industrial solar. On the converse, Chris Keller of Sugar Grove and IBEW District 4 (https://www.ibew.org/4thdistrict/) representative, Aaron Brown spoke in favor.

Sherry Pymer of Walnut Township read and presented a formal letter to the Commissioners in opposition to industrial solar that addressed several potential legal issues from Citizens for Fairfields. https://citizensforfairfields.org/

The last two speakers, Greg Webber of Pleasantville and Jerry Starner of Amanda spoke in opposition to industrial solar for health concerns and the taking of too much farmland, respectively,

The remainder of the meeting were items related to the regular Legal Update and County Administrative Update(s) and the commission's "voting pattern".

Agenda Links:

This is a recording off a public access Microsoft TEAMS Meeting. This will be an on-going series whenever possible to capture the regular meetings.

More information about the County Commissioners' meetings can be found at https://www.co.fairfield.oh.us/COMMISH/. We also encourage more online and most importantly, in-person participation. The meetings occur most Tuesday mornings at 9:00a at 210 E. Main Street, Third Floor, Lancaster, OH 43130.

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