*REVISION* Truther Loons: "Covert Nazis Run the NWO" By: Mike King

10 months ago

Discover the truth behind the conspiracy theories in "Truther Loons!" presented by the Editorial Board at Real News And History. In this thought-provoking video, writer Mike King dissects and debunks the sensational claims of covert Nazis running the New World Order. Delve into the labyrinth of misinformation as King challenges popular narratives surrounding globalism, the World Economic Forum, and the alleged links to the Third Reich. With meticulous research and sharp wit, King dismantles the myths surrounding post-war history, offering a compelling rebuttal to the wild speculations within the conspiracy community. Join us on a journey to uncover the real facts about World War II, the Holocaust, and the so-called "Nazis" by exploring Mike King's comprehensive PDF collection, exclusively available at Real News And History. Don't miss out on the opportunity to gain insight and clarity into the complexities of our past and present.




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