This post breaks my heart... the table has now been turned on those that took the jab.

11 months ago

From Twitter:

The pure bloods were called names, people made comments saying they hoped we would die, and some said we shouldn't be allowed medical treatment if we fell ill. Now, with the truth coming out, some of the purebloods are doing the same exact thing to those who trusted our government and took the jab.
I ask the purbloods to think about this... God tells us to love thy neighbor.. we are all brothers and sisters and should not condemn those that fell for what was told to them, wether it was due to fear, did it for employment, or whatever reason they decided to take the jab. Where's the kindness at? We need to show the world we are all better than that.. that this horrible thing that the cabal has done affects all of us, not just those that took the jab. We all have loved ones who took it, someone in our family or friends. We need to bring UNITY and LOVE back, NOT DIVISION and HATE.
Always remember THEY want us divided.. when we are divided, we are weak... WE need to stand united.. THEY fear US when we are united... United, we are strong!
I pray you all have a wonderful night and love one another no matter what. Love and blessings always.

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