Eclipse Astrology with Laura Eisenhower, Raquel Spring and Seth Leaf!

11 months ago

Eclipse Astrology with Laura Eisenhower, Raquel Spring and Seth Leaf


~Laura Eisenhower

Author and Astrologer. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint (Christ-Sophia)and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.

Join Laura’s newsletter at her website link below


~Raquel Spring

A 4th-generation Astrologer and Mystic, is a leading luminary in the surging paradigm of Aquarian Consciousness and Path to Freedom. Know your Truth - Embody your Purpose - Awaken Your Path to Freedom!

Sign up for Raquel’s newsletter on her website link below


~Seth Leaf

Multidimensional Jail-breaker, freeing others from self-imposed prisons they find themselves in!

Sign up for Seth’s newsletter at his website link below

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