God-given immune system and healing pathways

11 months ago

OAN News Anchor: You have stated that our immune system is from God and it's ultimately about God against evil. Can you elaborate on that more for us, please?
Dr Judy Mikovits: Yes, because our God gave us defense pathways, pathways to healing, no matter the poison. Our God gave us endogenous, in our genes, given by God. Epigenetic: on top of the genes, the expression according to the environmental poisons. Our God given endocannabinoid system is the dimmer switch on inflammation, calm it all down.
We've been poisoned when the cannabis was removed from our food supply in 1938, as we poisoned our plants, vegetables, animals, waters, everything in our soil, everything in our air.
Sunlight doesn't poison us. It's given by God for our immune responses. Vitamin D is made by our bodies in response to sunlight. We have every single pathway we need to heal, given by God! And all we need to do is return to God given food; no more genetically modified, it's totally against God.
It's easy to clean and end this Plague of Corruption, these Plandemics! Just simply go back to our God given immune systems, in our plants, in our animals, in our foods. We can heal this if we simply turn back to God.

Watch on One America News network: https://www.oann.com/video/in-focus-video/injecting-lethal-bioweapon-into-food-supply/

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