International Peace Coalition Meeting Pre-Discussion: How Close are we to World War III?

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Speakers: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity members Larry Johnson and Kirk Wiebe.

Responding to the first question on her weekly webcast, “How close are we to world war?” International Schiller institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche said:

“Well, I’m not in a position to say how close we are, but we are very close. Because both of these so-called regional crises, in Southwest Asia and Ukraine, have the immediate potential of escalation—intentional or not, by escalation or not….

As of today, Russian intelligence sources state that they believe the nations of Ukraine, the United States, and Great Britain to have played roles, direct or indirect, in the Crocus terrorist incident last month, in which 137 people were murdered. What would have happened had the United States, in the aftermath of 9/11, stated that it suspected that Russia had played a role in the destruction of the World Trade Center and Pentagon? Israel, unprovoked directly attacked the nation of Iran this week. Can that trigger a war that becomes World War III?

Voices of sanity must prevail, before it is too late.

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