Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - The Great Political Reset - Captions

10 months ago

The Lord declares that a great political reset is coming, where the corrupt and tyrannical powers in government, media, corporations, banks, and education will be overthrown. The Lord promises to awaken his church and empower his children to use his authority to defeat their enemies. He assures that justice will be served, and the corrupt leaders will be exposed and removed from power. The Lord promises a restoration of the nation and a return of what has been stolen from his children.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday, March 12th of 2024. And yes, I Am actually live and I'm back in my office this morning. So I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live stream. I have so much to tell you today. I do have a very powerful prophetic word. I will be sharing with you and tomorrow do not miss my live show with pastor David Scarlett with take five in his glory.

Because there's going to be a special guest on there And so i'm very very very excited to be on with pastor dave again tomorrow Wednesdays with pastor dave I absolutely love because of all the things that are happening right now In this country around the world and all the things that are coming to pass that god has already spoken.

So Don't miss tomorrow's live show and Even though i'm here live right now at 6 30 central time. I will be back on live again Today at 9 a. m Right here on all these channels with a dear friend of mine. Her name is maryam shah She has a podcast called moms on a mission and so i'll be back live here again at nine o'clock A.

m. This morning with maryam shah with moms on a mission. So I Am very excited. So you guys are going to get two You Live shows this morning and I Am very, very excited about it. I think that's all the announcements for right now. I will be making more later on, but for right now, that is it, because I'm going to get to this prophetic word.

There are so many things I This has happened. We were with, in Dallas, Texas for moms for America. That is such a great organization. That was a great event. We had so much fun. And just meeting people and seeing what God is doing through so many different moms trying to wake up this nation. Wake up the children across the country and get them back to God and bringing God back into this nation in every way.

And of course I was also in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That was another great event with so many great people, and that was amazing as well. So anyway, I wanna get to this prophetic word today. And the Lord has given me several different scriptures to give with this one This prophecy that i'm going to give out today is called the great Political reset.

It's called the great political reset. I heard this on March 8th of 2024. Okay. So just a few days ago, March 8th of 2024. And this is something that I want each and every one of you to pay attention about. Now I know every single one of these prophecies that God has been giving us, we all should pay attention to every word, but there's something also in this one that the Lord really wants to emphasize.

And really wants to, to get it on your hearts. Get this down deep on the inside of you, because people think that right now in this year of 2024 and you know, for this country, you know, a lot, a lot of you are watching from all over the world and we love you. We thank you for watching as well. In this country in 2024, we have a presidential election, which I know the whole world knows about, but everybody is looking to that election to be like the.

The resolve for everything that's going wrong in this country. We think by having another normal election and everything is going to be hunky dory and, you know, going to go, we're going to get in president Trump and everything's going to go back to normal. This is something that God is saying in this prophetic word.

Okay, we are not in a normal time. Things are not just going as they always do. God has mentioned unconventional, unprecedented, and unusual many times in many different prophetic words. So this word again is called the great political reset. We don't just need an election. God's been telling us that for the last couple years.

We don't need an election to save us. We need God, almighty God, to save us. Not just us in this country, but every nation around the world. Our answer to every problem, a solution to everything we see, is God. And so when people are looking to President Trump, and I love President Trump, and I'm praying for him, the whole team prays for him all the time, and his family.

And we should be praying for him, but we need to be looking to God to make sure that we have that focus on him because we obviously have seen that in the last several years and even beyond what we've ever noticed. We've had elections that have been manipulated for a long time. So in this country, every four years for presidential, every two years for house and Senate on the midterms, and people think once we get to the next election, everything is just going to be better.

We have to stop thinking that way. We need to put God back in our government. That's how things get better. We need to put God back in our education system. That's how that's going to get better. And every seven mountains of influence that we see before us. Putting God back in it. That is what makes it better.

We have to look to God to be that solution. Not a man and not an election. We have to look to God to be the one who's going to completely redo. He's going to resolve. He is going to remove. He is going to be the one who's going to do it. It's important for us. In this country to get out and vote. That's not what God is saying.

Of course, that is our duty. We should be doing that. But first and foremost is what we should be doing is standing in agreement and praying, standing in agreement and not giving up and not quitting. We have to look to God to be the one to restore this nation in exactly the way God had intended it. Not a man.

We have to look to God to do this and as we are all in the body of Christ And we are in the army of the Lord. We have our marching orders We have our decrees our declarations if you miss any of last week, and I'm not just saying this for any reason I'm saying this because it's imperative for you to know the power of God's Word You didn't know the power of your words.

I just got off the phone last night with brother Timothy Dixon. It was an amazing conversation. I was so excited to talk to him. He's a dear, dear friend of mine. And he was telling about all the miracles that he's continuously carrying from January from that gathering that we did down in grant grand ridge, Florida.

But something that people were taking from that. The miracles that they were receiving is because the words that they heard from God and they spoke those words in their situation and it turned a life and death situation into a life blessing and a miraculous recovery for not just one person, for many.

So God has been warning us about this time we're living in about 2024. He's been warning us about things to come. He's been warning us about all these things. But words, the power of God's word, the power of the words that we are saying are extremely important. So if you missed any of those, it's imperative that you go watch those because you need to have this tool, this revelation knowledge on what to do in the time that we are living in and how things are changing so dramatically and so quickly and how you are on the same page as God and that may you are not taking a part in anything that is That's about to be seen.

Words matter. Words are important. God's power, through his word, destroys the power of our enemy. That's why we have to be in agreement with God, speak God's words, say what God needs us to say in every single situation. And sometimes these words may be contrary to everything that you're seeing or everything that you're feeling.

That's a reason because God is changing everything you're seeing and he's changing everything you are feeling by getting an agreement with him and not an agreement with our enemy. So, if you missed that, go back and watch that five part teaching. It's very imperative and very important for the time that we're living in right now.

Okay, so here's a prophetic word. Now again, this is called The Great Political Reset. This is from March 8th of 2024. For I, the Lord, this day, I'm telling you, my children, a great reset is coming where the evil and tyrannical governments, their media, their corporation, their banks, their education system, their economic system, and every single one of their seven mountains of influence will fall and completely be crushed by my power

and my glory. A reset where I Am awakening my church and my glory inside of my children, where they will know how to use my authority and keep the enemy under their feet and to keep them in a defeated position where your adversary was always meant to be.

I Am tearing down their globalist agenda, which I say again, is not for today. This time is for my glory and my church. Your enemies have fallen for every trap that has been set. Every place they think they are winning and gaining ground, they're actually losing ground and failing, along with making every mistake possible to catch them in the act of their crimes.

They are being judged for everything they have done. There is no way out for them, and there is definitely in a no, in, they are in a no win situation. There's no solution or way of escaping. Because justice is being served in every case.

My children, the coming political reset will shake the establishment, will crumble and tear apart their protection and their control. This political reset will remove every person who is destroying this country and its foundation, your freedoms, and the true history of this nation, and who it really

belongs to. No one will be left standing who is against the truth and freedom and no one who is against me. This political reset will not just be an election. I told you I will do these things in unconventional ways. You are about to see many unconventional situations and circumstances come about explosive exposures.

Your enemies turning on each other. Explosive proof. Documents, video, audio evidence that is coming. Hidden whistleblowers that will blow the doors off the so called administration.

There is one coming that will expose Obama and Biden and this entire fake presidency. One that will destroy their narrative of the mainstream media and destroy the 2020 election lie. I told you before your enemies have not gotten away with 2020 or any other stolen election. I'm doing a clean sweep of your government.

Every official and they're so called politicians that have destroyed your republic and your freedoms that have already been paid for. Every person trying to bring this country into a communist regime will be outed, will be removed, will be sentenced and will be tried for treason. My children, great justice and great judgment will be seen.

What I did against Pharaoh and his men was nothing compared to what is coming against the Pharaohs of today.

This political reset will reshape this nation and put it in the right direction. It will cause a great restoration of what belongs to you. A normal election cannot take out the evil that against you and all the traitors in your government. Something bigger is coming than just an election. It's a political reset.

My reset of this nation! A birth of my country that should have always been.... I will say this again: corruption will not stand, evil will not succeed, tyranny will not stay in control. Every thief must return what has been stolen This nation was stolen out of the hands of my children and the citizens of this nation; It will be fully restored and given back. My children the thief never gets to keep what's not his.... I will always make sure of that; no matter what anything appears like right now, rejoice, because a great political reset is underway.

Saith The Lord your Redeemer. So this morning when I was going over this political this great political reset this prophecy The lord was giving me all of the scriptures For today that he wanted me to give out that proves that God is in politics, proves that we have to look to God to do not, again, we have a part to play by doing, you know, by making our voices be heard and filling out our ballots and voting in every election, but we never should have had our total faith in

our election system or in our government, our total faith should have always been in God and God alone. We have to make sure that we vote Godly. We have to make sure that we have our voices heard, but first and foremost is we have to look to God for all of these things when our enemies got into the churches.

And said that separation of church and state, which is not how God intended it. It was warped. It was manipulated. It was made into a direction that it was never meant to go down. The government never should have had control over the church. Never should have had control and taken God out of our government.

Think about that for a minute. Common sense. Our enemies deceived us into believing. That taking church or taking God out of our politics was part of our freedom Well, all it did was take God out of our politics get God out of our government to bring evil in If God is in control of our government good Freedom justice life liberty the pursuit of happiness something we should have always had but when you take God out of politics What are you left with?

Evil and everything dark and everything bad. If God is not in control of our government, then who is our adversary? And so I want to give you these scriptures to help you realize all of this has been a lie. It's been a facade. It has been a distraction. It has been a great deception in this nation and around the world that God does not partake or care about politics or government.

Or who's running or in control, and that's a lie from the pit of hell that so many people have received in the body of Christ. So one of the first scriptures I wanna get to today is Daniel chapter two. Daniel Daniel, chapter two and verse 20. Daniel two and verse 20. So I'm gonna go through 20 N, 21. Okay.

Daniel two 20. And this is going to be in the CEV translation. I'll also give it to you in other translations. And when I do, I'm going to use multiple different translations today. And every single time I give a scripture, I'll make sure that I give you the right translation that I'm using. Right now, Daniel chapter 2, verse 20 through 21.

In the C E V translation, our God, your name will be praised forever and ever. You are all powerful and you know everything. You control human events. You give rulers their power. And you control. Take it away, and you are the source of wisdom and knowledge. So right here in verse 21, let's carefully read this again.

You control human events. So who doesn't control human events? Our adversary. He doesn't control human events. God does. You give rulers their power. Now that's the ones that God chooses. Amen. Peace. Just like President Trump, he's anointed and appointed. He's given President Trump that power, and no one can take that away.

You say, Julie, well that's contradicting of what happened in 2020. That was allowed to happen. In order for this great political reset, in order for a great awakening, you had to see how evil. You had to see their plans. They had to be in that type of power, just like Pharaoh was for their ultimate destruction and ultimate fail and their fall.

It will bring this political, great political reset that so many people will now receive and accept when before they wouldn't have, because so many people were believing that evil regime. They were believing in the Washington established or didn't even know the Washington established or didn't even exist.

This is a time in the last four years where we have seen so much that we didn't even know existed in our own nation. I've been watching certain movies lately that shows, even back in the 1960s, 1970s, how evil, how evil some of the government was back then. And now we, of course, we're on this illusion that we've always been this free nation.

And we weren't, to the degree that God wanted it. And so again, we're Daniel 2, 20, and 21. Our God, your name will be praised forever and ever. You are all powerful and you know everything. You control human events. You give rulers their power and you take it away So all these people in power that do not belong Right here saying that god can take it away and you are the source of wisdom and knowledge Well, of course guy is a source of wisdom and knowledge because god knows it all he is alpha omega He's beginning of the end.

He knows exactly what's going to partake and what's going to happen Because he knows the end from the beginning. No one knows more than God and no one's going to outsmart God, no matter how the evil regimes and how the tyrannical governments and how smart they think they truly are and how they've been controlling, manipulating situations for a long time and countries for a long time.

They're not the ones in control. It may look like it. But they're not. All right. Now I'm going to go to more scriptures here. And the next scripture that I want to give to you today is Daniel. Another one in Daniel. Daniel 4 and verse 35. Daniel 4 and verse 35. Well, I'll read let me start with verse 34.

Daniel 34 and 35. All right, Daniel 4 34 and 35. This was Nebuchadnezzar. Now again, people don't think that God, God cares or removes people. What happened to King Nebuchadnezzar when he believed that he was more powerful than God? When he believed that he could do anything he wanted. Daniel 4, 34 and 35.

This is the message translation. This is the message translation. At the end of seven years, I, Nebuchadnezzar, I looked to heaven. I was given my mind back, and I blessed the High God, thanking and glorifying God who lives forever. So, for seven years, he was like an animal. He grew hair. He grew claws. He ate like an animal.

He lived in the in the forest or whatever. He lived amongst the animals. He literally went insane, okay, for what he did against God. But the end of the seventh year, God restored him back to his sanity. And look what happens and he says his sovereign rule lasts and lasts His kingdom never declines and fails Life on this earth doesn't add up to much but God's heavenly army Keeps everything going.

No one can interrupt his work. No one can call his rule And the question there are many people right now against God who question God who don't even believe he exists Or they think they're more powerful than God. Well, so did Nebuchadnezzar. Look what happened to Nebuchadnezzar for seven years. He went crazy He was a complete lunatic But when he came back to his senses He was even saying God is a sovereign rule and he lasts and lasts his kingdom never declines and never falls You Life on this earth doesn't add up to much, but God's heavenly army keeps everything going.

No one can interrupt his work and no one can call his rule into question. Now I want to read that in the C E V translation, the C E V translation.

I got to put 34 in there too. Hold on a minute.

Daniel four 34 through 35 in a C E V. That's the contemporary. English version. That's what the CEV stands for. Finally, I prayed to God in heaven and my mind was healed. Then I said, I praise and honor God most high. God lives forever in his kingdom will never end. That's what our enemies need to know.

That's what God's people need to know. God's kingdom will never end. To him the nations are far less than nothing. So again, all these people that are ruling the nations all over the world, what does it say right here? To him or to God, the nations are far less than nothing. God controls the stars in the sky and everyone on this earth.

When God does something, we cannot change it or even ask why. So again, we have to remind ourselves, God allows certain things to happen. We may not understand. I mean, at first I remember January when that whole entire thing happened and the election was certified, I was like, it just blew my mind. I was like, how is this happening?

God, we've been standing, we've been praying, you know, we've been we've been warring on behalf of this country. I watched that return with Jonathan Cahn on, you know, the Washington Mall. And when we saw all these people praying and they're fasting and they're standing on the word of god and i'm like, hey It says in second chronicle 7 14 if we humble ourselves and pray and we Seek you father god.

You will heal our land. Well, we're seeing seeking you we're praying and and what just happened We watched I remember watching on that night That horrible night in November of 2020 and you know, we watched, it looked like it was good, good. And then that next morning, God woke me up with a vision before I saw what was going on.

He woke me up the vision and show me what was going to happen, but I didn't want to believe. I was like, no, it can't happen. No, it can't happen. God, no, it can't happen. We've been praying. We've been standing. So sometimes we, and now looking back after this last three or four years, Now we see why he allowed that to happen because the corruption was so much deeper.

There was more people involved in this corruption than we realized. There's more going on. That was right in front of our face that we had no idea about. We had no idea it even existed. So God allowed. That to happen the enemy didn't outsmart God or didn't get one up on God He allowed that to happen for the enemy's destruction and for what he's saying in this prophetic word for a great political Reset.

No, it's great. President Trump wins, which obviously we can see it'll be by a landslide Even if they do try to cheat, it's going to be so much bigger than the enemies can even try to fathom. But, that's why they're going to try to stop it in different ways. That's why you're going to see them start to do certain things, to change it.

They want to change the outcome, but they can't. God allowed the last one, but just because he allowed the last one, it was for their ultimate destruction. For their ultimate fall. President Trump gets in, Great, but what about all the evil people that are still in the government that are hiding themselves as good people?

Act like they are when they're really wolves in sheep's clothing. What about our judicial system? What about our borders? What about all these things? He, as a president, can only do so much. He can do things that God's given the ability to do. He can't do it all. God is the one who can do it all. We have an election.

Great. But you still have people in that, in that government. Like in our Senate. So some of them aren't even on the ballot this year. Because their time, their term is not up. But what about them? What about those evil people? They'd still be there. What about the people? Now the Congress is all going to be brand new, which it should.

You need term limits because you have these, you know, lifelong politicians that are completely evil and they were part of the establishment. Well, what about them? What if they cheat their elections, get in and they're still there? What's going on with our DOJ? Politically corrupt. Corrupt. What's going on with all these things?

An election can only do so much. It can only go so far. But when you have a complete political reset, that means you're restarting everything, starting from scratch, starting from the beginning. Julie, how does it happen? Well, God, remember, He says He does things in unconventional ways. Only God can do what we are about to see again a great political reset Do you want to know an example of that in the Bible?

Let's turn to Exodus

Exodus 14 now if you look at this in Exodus 14 You had the greatest superpower of that time, which was Egypt. You guys know the story I'm not gonna go over all the story cuz I go over it a lot But he wanted me to go over part of this today You had the greatest nation at that time in the world. They had the most power, the most money, and they were controlling God's people.

Sound familiar. They were a corrupt government, you would say. This was a pharaoh who didn't know Joseph and didn't remember what Joseph did and how the pharaoh of that time put Joseph second in command. This was a rogue, tyrannical, evil pharaoh who enslaved God's people and destroyed any freedom that they had.

Again, does that sound familiar? They taxed them into a slavery where they were burdened down with oppressors And they were controlled, every part of their life was controlled by this government, Pharaoh and all of his men. Well, there was a great political reset in Exodus 14. This is verse 13. So you see, as Pharaoh, that government, didn't want to let go of God's people and went back to pursue them.

And it looked like God's people were caught in a corner with no way out. They had a no win situation, a no win scenario. There was no way of escaping. That's what it looks like for us right now. We have no in scenarios. We have no in situ, a solution to anything that we're seeing. It looks like because again, people's natural strength and ability.

Or an election can only go so far. It can't go all the way like God can. So Exodus chapter 13, now ask, these people are coming toward God's people. This is what Moses was telling them. This is the classic amplified edition. So this is the AM PC. If you're looking that up on Bible gateway or any, any other websites, AM PC.

Alright, Moses told the people, this is Exodus 14 and verse 13, Moses told the people, fear not, stand still, firm and confident and undismayed, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians you see today, you shall never see again. Why? Because a political reset was about to take place, one that again changed the course of Egypt forever.

After this course correction or great political reset, Egypt was never a superpower again. Egypt never had control over God's people like they did in this time, okay? Look at verse 14. The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace. And remain at rest. This is what moses was telling god's people lord's gonna fight for you Hold your peace and remain at rest.

This is what god is telling us today Hold your peace and remain at rest because the Lord is going to fight for you. The Lord is going to do a political reset. So don't be afraid of all the cheating. Don't be afraid of a stolen election. Look to God for a great political reset. Only he can do this, just like he did in the book of Exodus.

Only God could do that. Moses could only do so much. He couldn't do it. God did it. Then you look down to verse 18, Exodus 14 in verse 18, the Egyptian shall, the Egyptian shall know and realize that I Am the Lord when I have gained honor and glory over Pharaoh and his chariots and over all of his horsemen.

So again, what is God saying? He was showing God's people. He was showing Pharaoh and all of his men that he was the one in control. That it wasn't them, that he was in control, that he was the one who takes down one and lifts up another. The enemies can only go so far. Remember what we just read in Daniel?

We just read in Daniel 2. 21 was, you control human events. I would say God controlled that event. You give rulers their power and take it away. God took Pharaoh's power away. He took his entire government body. Oh wait, he completely did a complete political reset. And God's people were freed from that tyranny once and for all.

Well, they weren't supposed to ever have to go back to it,

but they forgot what God did. Now, let's keep reading for a minute. Let's keep reading the good stuff for a minute. Verse 31, Exodus 14, verse 31 says, And Israel saw the great work which the Lord did against the Egyptians. He said he was going to fight for them. So they saw in front of their face that God fought for them and the people reverently feared the Lord and trusted and relied and remained steadfast.

The Lord and to a servant, Moses. For a very short time. It's sad, but true. They saw this great political reset happen in front of them. They saw all these people that kept pursuing them, controlling them, dominating over them. They saw him completely destroyed. And they were reverently fearing the Lord.

That means they were praising, worshiping Him. They were excited. If you continuously read in Exodus 15 in verse 6, X is 15 verse 6. They're praising God and saying look God your right hand. Oh lord is glorious in power your right hand Oh lord shatters the enemy. So right here. They're Remembering they were just saw that god shatters the enemy god's people now us right now need to remember this Right here that god shatters the enemy that god is involved in politics that god is Involved with taking down rulers and bringing up others Let's continuously read.

Here's another scripture. Romans 13 in verse 1. Romans 13 in verse 1, and this is the C. E. V. translation. I'm proving to you in God's scriptures that he does have a say in governments. Okay. Now this one says, you know what, hold on a minute. I think it was the amplified. I wrote that down wrong. Sorry.

Romans 13 one in the amplified. Sorry.

Let every person be loyally subject to the governing civil authorities. So there is no authority except from God by his permission and his sanction and those that exist do so by God's appointment. So God, when he puts political people in power, again, when God puts political people in power, we should be loyal subject to the governing civil authorities for there is no authority except from God is God's government that is in control and we should be loyal to God and he is government.

The government of heaven. Now God, again, he puts people in power and specific times just like he did with David and other people, he puts people specifically for that very day and that very hour. And when David was in power, God's people were supposed to follow in David's footsteps. They were supposed to listen to what David was saying as long as they're being ruled by God.

Okay, so it's again, and then in Romans 13, 1 says, in the CEV says, Obey the rulers who have authority over you. Only God can give authority to anyone. And he put these rulers in their places of power. So God, when God's people are in rule, Then we should be listening, but not when evil is in control. When God's people are in control, what?

The people rejoice. But when evil is in control, people mourn. Let's also look up Revelation 19. 16. Revelation 19. 16. Now here, in the book of Revelation, in verse nine, or chapter 19, verse 16, the reason why I want to go to Revelation, now we are not in the Tribulation Period yet, and we are not in the, we're not there yet.

You know, there's some people who teach that, but we're not. This is a foreshadowing. Of the book of revelation what we're seeing right now. It'll be far worse than what we're seeing right now So this is just a foreshadowing, but I want to read this to you revelation 19 in verse 16 And he has on his robe and on his thigh a name written king of kings Lord of Lords.

Jesus has on his robe and on his thigh, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What does that mean? This is very important again about government and about political rule. King of Kings and Lord of Lords refers to the supreme power, rule, and authority of Jesus Christ. King of Kings means the supreme power, rule, and authority of Jesus.

No one compares with his strength. authority now or forevermore. Indeed, Jesus was, is, and will be the King of Kings. There is no one more powerful than Jesus. No one. He has been given the supreme power, rule, and authority. That means he has power, rule, and authority over every government, over every political person, over every president.

It doesn't matter. Jesus is the King of Kings. And the lord of lords. So again, what do we do? We look to him. God does remove. I want to read another one. Let's go to Psalm 33. He's been giving us the scripture to us a lot. Again, Psalm 33 in verse 10. What does it say? Let's remind ourselves of what the scripture says, that God does have something to say about people in political positions.

Psalm 33 and verse 10. This is I'll read it out of the New King James. The new king james the lord brings a council of the nations to nothing He makes the plans of the people of no effect So again the council of nations you have a global government right now You have them trying to to make a global government and make it stick But god brings that council of the nations or that global government body to what to nothing And he makes their plans to no effect.

That means everything that they have planned You Whether it was, you know, it looked like all these different elections, it looked like this upcoming election, what they're gonna do, and what they're doing with our border, all this kind of thing, God's saying it's gonna make it to no effect. How he's going to retroactively restore that, how he's gonna change it all, I'm not sure, but he does.

Look, we did in the book of Exodus. Now, I also want to read to you in verse 11. Psalm 33 verse 11. The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The enemies don't stand forever, but God's counsel does. Now, then it says, the plans of his heart to all generations. Verse 12, blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

Blessed whose nation is God, that means if God is in control of that nation, that nation is blessed.

The people he has chosen as his own inheritance. So again, when God is in control of a nation, that nation is blessed. So when people were twisting and turning and perverting that the separation of church and state, that was so that evil was never supposed to be in control and evil never controlled not only the government, but evil was never supposed to control the church.

That's what all that was. All right, let's read. Another one is psalm 37. Now I'll go back over this prophetic word again psalm 37 and Go to Verse 9 psalm 37 in verse 9. This is the classic amplified Edition psalm 37 in verse 9 for evil doers shall be cut off But those who wait and hope and look to the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth verse 10 For yet a little while when the evildoers will be no more what happened in the book of exodus 14 Verse 13 and 14 the evildoers were no more He said though they you look with care where they used to be they will not be found One minute they were there in that power Next minute they weren't.

Why? Because God can take them out of their positions of power. Verse 12. Psalm 37 verse 12. The wicked plot against the uncompromising righteous. The upright and right standing with God, they gnash at them with their teeth. Verse 13. The Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees their own day Of defeat is coming.

God is laughing right now because he's, he sees the defeat of the enemies coming. All right. One more Psalm 37 or Psalm 75, excuse me, Psalm 75 and verse seven, Psalm 75 and verse seven out of the classic amplified. It says, but God is the judge. He puts down one and lifts up another. So who's in control?

Who is the one that brings up one and lifts up another? Brings down one, lifts up another? It's God. Alright, let's go back over this prophetic word. This is, again, political resets have happened in the past in the Bible. God was showing me this, and God hopefully is revealing this to you now. The Great Political Reset.

For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, my children, a Great Reset is coming. Where the evil and tyrannical governments, their media, their corporations, their banks, their education system, their economic system, and every single one of their seven mountains of influence will fall and completely be crushed by my power.

So again, stop right there. That first paragraph, whose power is it? It's God's power. God's power completely crushes and destroys the power, the government power of an enemy. He completely destroys them and he can bring them to what? Just like he said in Psalm 33, he can bring the council of nations to nothing.

And I know there are people in the church body that's gonna get mad at this. I Am reading to you scripture of what God is saying and backing it up. This is what God is telling us. He does have a part to play and he does have something to say then he says look at this a reset where i'm Awakening my church and my glory inside Of my children, so he's waking up the church body Then he's removing those blinders off their eyes Showing them what's true and what's real and then he says i'm awakening the power on the inside of them That glory that god's put in there Where my children will know to use my authority and to keep the enemy under their feet and to keep them in a defeated position where your adversary was always meant to be.

So we're supposed to keep the enemy under our feet and we're supposed to keep him in, in a defeated position. To me, that reminds me if we keep the enemy in a defeated position. That's like taking a snake and standing on its head, cutting it off, so it doesn't, that venom can't get to you, their power can't get to you, whether it's an anaconda, I don't care, I don't watch a lot of snakes, I don't care about snakes, ew, they're gross.

But anyway, if you think about it, it's like putting your foot on the head of that snake and cutting its power off. There's another great revelation that guy's been showing us about that too recently. All right. Now then it's, and that's, and that's spiritually, we're supposed to cut the head of the snake off by our power that God has given to us by words, by his authority, his power and demeanor that he's given to us.

Cut their authority off, cut their ability off by speaking the words that God needs us to speak. Here's the next paragraph. I Am tearing down their globalist agenda. Which I say again is not for today. So we're seeing a foreshadowing of the One World Government that you see in the Book of Revelation.

This is a foreshadowing of it. God allowed them to go so far now to wake up his body in order to take back the earth what's been given to us. In Psalm 16, it says the earth has been given to the children of men. We've been so deceived and in a sleep. We didn't know all these things and God is now showing the truth.

He said this is the time for my glory and for my church. It's not the time for the evil to run rampant and the evil to do whatever they want. It looks like it is. But he's saying it's not that time. It's time for my church and my glory in the church. He says your enemies have fallen for every trap that has been set.

You can see that that's what happened with Pharaoh. He fell for every trap that God had set too. Every place they think they are winning and gaining ground, they're actually losing ground and failing. Along with making every mistake possible to catch them in the act of their crimes. They are being judged for everything that they have done There is no way out for them and there is definitely in they're in a no win situation Our enemies are in a no win situation.

Why because it says in god's work. Our enemies are brought to nothing God cuts them off. God scatters the enemy. There's a no win situation. Why because they're against god That's why there's no one situation and then he says there's no solution or a way of escaping Justice is being served in every case So, it doesn't matter what they're doing, they're going to run into defeat, in every way they're looking, because they're running into God.

And God is their ultimate defeat, the enemy's ultimate defeat. Then it says, My children, the coming political reset will shake the establishment, will crumble and tear apart their protection and their control. This political reset will remove Every person. Now stop right there for a minute. Remember, an election can only remove a certain portion.

The ones who are up for re election. Like, okay, in 2022, during a midterm. Well, the midterm wouldn't have removed Biden because it wasn't part of the election. So elections can only go so far. Again, this one coming up. Everyone in the House of Representatives is up for re election. You have the president seat up for election.

You have all these different things. But not every senator, not every judge, they're not all up for running for election. Again, an election can only get you so far. When God says a political reset can remove every person. Who is destroying this country and its foundation? Your freedoms and the true history of this nation and who it really belongs to.

This country doesn't belong to them. This country does not belong to the Washington establishment. Whether they believe that or not. I don't care what they believe. It's not true. No matter what they're doing, they're going to run into a defeat. They're in a no win situation right now. It looks like we are, but they're actually the ones that are.

Then it says, no one will be left standing. Who is against truth? And freedom and no one who is against me. So God is saying no one against him is going to be left standing. And we're going to see all those ones because there are people who look good, who actually aren't. You got to see people who look bad, who actually aren't.

They're playing different parts. Guy said he's infiltrated the infiltrators. So you see people on both sides of the aisle.

This political reset will not just be an election. I think he's made that very clear. This political reset will not just be an election. I told you I will do these things in unconventional ways. You're about to see many unconventional situations and circumstances come about. Explosive exposures, your enemies are turning on each other explosive proof, documents, videos, audio evidence that is coming.

Hidden whistleblowers that will blow the doors off the so called administration. So whistleblowers that we haven't even heard about. That will are hidden. They're about to come out. There is one coming that will expose Obama and Biden and this entire fake presidency, one that will destroy their narrative of its mainstream media and destroy the 2020 election lie.

What was a lie that Biden won that anybody in those Senate seats and Congress. Those ones all that lie people just look to the presidential part of 2020 or any other midterm They only care about you know certain You know important seats, but they're all seats are important. You can't just look to one.

You gotta look to all of them I told you before your enemies have not gotten away with 2020 or any other stolen election It looks like they did because You think, you know, the Biden is still, you know, the, well, he's a resident in the white house, but he's not, you can't be president if you didn't really win.

I don't care. You can act, you can be a good actor all you want. You can do things and it look like you are, but it doesn't mean you are period. I'm doing a clean sweep of your government. That's what he's saying. I'm doing a clean sweep of your government. Every official and these so called politicians that have destroyed your republic and your freedoms that have been paid for already.

So he's destroying and he's removing everybody who's destroyed this republic and our freedoms. Every person trying to bring this country into a communist regime. Will be ousted will be removed and will be sentenced and will be tried for treason. So every person remember this again, every person trying to bring this country into a communist regime will be ousted, will be removed, will be sentenced, and will be tried for treason.

My children, great justice and judgment. Will be seen what I did against pharaoh and his men was nothing now I just read to you what god did against pharaoh in exodus 14 He says but it's nothing compared to what is coming against the pharaohs of today So again, you saw what god did to the pharaohs of old but god says it's nothing compared to what i'm going to do against The pharaohs of today now This is another massive statement that he said That people have to take an account and have to realize how important this is this political reset will reshape This nation And put it in the right direction.

It will cause a great restoration of what belongs to you. I'm going to read that first part again. This political reset will reshape this nation. Out of course of several years, our enemy have their enemies have reshaped this nation and they put it on a collision course of destruction and evil and socialist agendas and communist agendas and all these other things.

It's been going on. God is like a course correction. They tried to reshape it and God's saying this political reset will reshape this nation. Now, look what he also says, which is very important and very profound. A normal election cannot take out the evil against you. It's a spiritual battle. So an election, again, can only go so far, but election cannot do it all.

You need the power of God. You need God's supernatural power that destroys the power of the evil against us so we cannot put all of our hope in all of our, you know, standing and like, okay, we just have to stand until the election. We just got to stand until the election. Stop it. You got to stand on God's word and let God do it.

Pray, stand, be in agreement with Almighty God. A normal election cannot take out the evil against you. It can't. They have rigged it so much that the evil just keeps getting put back. That's why he said it has to be a great political reset. He's got to wipe it all out. And start over a normal election cannot take out the evil against you and all the traitors in your government It can it can only do so much then it says Something now listen, something bigger is coming than just an election.

It's a political reset. So God is saying people are looking for an election and God is saying, my people should be looking for the something bigger, which is a political reset. What's his reset? He said, my reset of this nation, a birth of my country that should have always been, I will say this again, corruption will not stand, evil will not succeed, tyranny will not stay in control.

Here's another one that he put in bold. Every thief must return what has been stolen. This nation was stolen out of the hands of my children and the citizens of this nation. And it will be fully restored and given back. So, you can find in Proverbs 6, 31, it says when the thief has been caught, he has to give it back seven times, or sevenfold.

If he has to give the whole substance of his house, he's got to give it back. God is saying this political reset, this great political reset, they have to give back all of the substance of the house. To repay back this fine and repay back what has been stolen.

And this is the last paragraph. My children, the thief never gets to keep. What's not his I will always make sure of that no matter what anything appears like right now Rejoice because a great political reset is underway. Say it's a lord your redeemer So a great political reset is underway. So a lot of people again They're putting all their hope and their trust and their faith in election.

Stop. Put your hope, your faith, and your trust in God in unconventional ways. And what he's about to do is a great political reset. And the enemies can laugh all they want. I'm sure Pharaoh was laughing too when he waltzed right into the Red Sea thinking that, that god of the water was separating that water for him.

I'm When it wasn't, it was the one true almighty God, it was the great I Am. He's the one who had the Red Sea in order for his people to, for their great freedom, for their great reset that God had for God's people. That was their way of escape, out of the hands of the Egyptians. And the Egyptians waltzed right into that Red Sea going, Okay, this is for us, and they're laughing probably.

Okay, we got him, guys, we got him. Until that wall came crumbling down right on top of him. The enemy will mock, the enemy will laugh, the enemy will ridicule, the enemy will persecute, the enemy will do all these things to get your attention and distraction off of what God is doing and on what they're doing to bring a great fear.

But God is telling us today that we should not have just our hope and faith in any election. Are we supposed to participate? Yes. If there is one, are we supposed to participate? Of course we are. The most powerful thing that you can do is pray. I was just at a church last not last Sunday, but Sunday before that, when we were in Dallas.

And one of the things I said was they pray when they go into the ballot box. Well, we should. We should pray. I pray over my ballot. I pray that that my voice will be heard. We need to pray, decree, declare, but have more faith and trust in God and his political reset than election. We still have a part to play in it.

God's doing a mighty work. But again, he just gave me a word this morning before I got on here when I was preparing for today's live show. And he was giving me a prophetic word about people being this apprehension. People are afraid because they're hearing of all these different warnings and they're, they're, they're hearing about all these bad things and they're freaking out because oh my gosh, what's really going to happen?

Well, we know what's going to happen is God wins in the end. And if God wins in the end, so do we. So in this entire prophetic word and all these different scriptures that I want you guys, and I know the team does an amazing job of putting those scriptures down in the description box after the live show.

And they put them in the live chat. The entire time there are specific scriptures that God has given out every single day He's the one who shows me what scriptures to give you. I don't know. He does He's the one who shows me the scriptures that will line up with the prophetic word. I don't do that He does that because they're his words and they will line up with his word always and if they don't throw him out So I want to pray for each and every one of you you have the strength that you have The the focus your eyes that firm focus foundation on the father because we're about to walk into a time of great shaking You A time where things are going to look like the opposite of what God is saying.

You have to have this foundation in your hearts and in the word of God said you don't know how to study the word of God Just read the scriptures. God gives you the team puts out teachings and prophecies on our website Go to the website where the prophets and teaching or the marching orders decree declarations go and read those That's why those teachings for the power of words all those things are showing you they're equipping you Just like if you're in the military and right before you go into battle, you're gonna have your generals You're gonna have all these people that they're they're gonna train you.

They're gonna build you up You can't just go into the army sign up for the army and just go right on the battlefield That wouldn't be equipping you for battle It would be equipping you to know exactly what to do in when you've got a war going on god is equipping us for battle For this battle. He's equipping us on what to do and how to handle it and how we're going to be at peace and remain at rest when everything else is chaotic and crazy.

So it's important for you and I to know that truth of the word of God. So that sets you free from having that mindset of the world. So Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, first of all, we thank you, Father God, for your political reset. We thank you, Father God, that it's not an election that's going to save us.

You are going to save us. That you, Father God, are the one who brings a council of the nations to nothing. And you make all the plans on our enemies. Well, right now, Father God, we see what the enemy is doing with our border. We see what the enemy is doing with our elections. We see what the enemy is doing all over this country and all over around the world.

But we you are bringing every single one of our plans to nothing. In the power and the mighty name of Jesus. Father God, I thank you right now for equipping all of your saints, for equipping all of your children right now, and knowing your authority, and knowing the power of their words, to knowing the power of your word, to know the power of the name of Jesus, to know the power of the blood covenant.

We thank you that you are giving us great revelation knowledge to equip us for this great war that we are seeing before us. That the battle is the Lord's and all we have to do is to remain at rest and receive your peace and receive your joy, which is your strength. That all we have to do is be in agreement with you, stay focused on your word and stand and stand.

Therefore, we have to stand and hold that line. And we thank you that you give us that ability. You give us that strength. In order to stand in the face of adversity and not be shaken, not be moved, and to not get into fear. We thank you, Father God, that fear is broken in the camp of your children, in the body of Christ.

That fear, distraction, deception, everything that the enemy has been doing against your people, Father God, I thank you, it is cut off. The enemies are being cut off and a great awakening is taking place So we thank you father god for this revelation knowledge from heaven We thank you father god for your written written word, which is the sword of the spirit We thank you father god is a weapon to use against our enemy Your word also is life.

Your word also is healing your word also is freedom and restoration And we thank you father god for your word And we hold it dear to our hearts in jesus name Amen, and amen. I hope this encourages you today again. I will be back on live at 9 a. m So just about an hour and 20 minutes I'll be back live on again with mariam shaw my dear friend and moms on a mission So hope you can join me and also if you do want any julie green ministries Merchandise you can go to threesonstreads.

com. That's threesonstreads. com for all of Julie Greene Ministries merchandise and Again, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgminternational. org Under a contact page where you can rise at Julie Greene Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 5 to 8 0 7 Miracles are happening Every single day be a part of them.

Hold the line speak health speak life Speak freedom and don't speak the words that your enemy wants you to speak and watch god change your life Well, hopefully they encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know It needs to hear an encouraging word. It needs you to truth because the truth will set you free God loves you.

I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day!

COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org


Today’s Scriptures:

Dan. 2:20-21
Rev. 22:13
Dan. 4:34-35
2 Chron. 7:14
Ex. 14:13-14, 18, 31
Ps. 75:7
Ex. 15:6
Rom. 13:1
Rev. 19:16
Ps. 33:10-12
Ps. 37:9-10, 12-13
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 115:16
Prov. 6:31
Eph. 6:17

Only God can save and restore this nation and all nations around the world.

Speak God's words over your situations. There is power in the words you speak and using God's words.

God's power, through His Word, destroys the enemy.

God is in politics, and we need to look to Him.

The government should never have had control of the church or been able to take Him out of our government. This was a tool of deception to bring evil in.

God controls human events- not your adversary.

In order for this great political reset and awakening to happen, God had to allow us to see our enemies' plans.

God is Alpha & Omega, beginning and the end.

God's kingdom will never end.

Our enemies cannot change the outcome of God's plans.

God is the one who takes down one and lifts up another.

Jesus has written on His Robe, "King of Kings, Lord of Lords", which refers to the supreme power, rule and authority of Jesus Christ.

There is no one more powerful than Jesus. He has power, rule and authority over everything.

If God is in control of nation it will be blessed.

It is God's power that crushes and destroys the enemy.

You're supposed to keep the enemy under your feet and in a defeated position.

We are in a spiritual battle. You need the power of God that destroys the power of the evil against you. Stand on God's Word.

Put your hope, faith, and trust in God.

Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.

Miracles are happening- speak health, life, and freedom!

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