Artemis I Launching to the Moon: OfficialNASA Launch Trailer

6 months ago

Artemis I will be the first integrated test of NASA'sdeep space exploration systems: the Orion spacecraft,Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the groundsystems at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral,Florida. The first ina series of increasingly complexmissions, Artemis I will be an uncrewed flight test thatwill provide a foundation for human deep spaceexploration, and demonstrate our commitment andcapability to extend human existence to the Moon andbeyond.

During this flight, the spacecraft will launch on themost powerful rocket in the world and fly farther thanany spacecraft built for humans has ever flown. It willtravel 280,000 miles from Earth, thousands of milesbeyond the Moon over the course of about a four tosİx-week mission. Orion will stay in space longer thanany ship for astronauts has done without docking to aspace station and return home faster and hotter thanever before.

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