WTFR The Pushback 03-04-2024

8 months ago

Here we all are, seated round a table which isn't round, trying to hold a roundtable discussion. I guess in these times of corporate & political corruption, one has to make do with what one has. It's better than owning nothing, which as we know, is what the infinitely rich have planned for the rest of us.

Joy cooked a lovely meal before the people's delegates commenced delegating, & rest assured, bugs were not on the menu.

Colin talked about bridges, which the elites have well & truly burned with the rest of us.

Leo imparted wisdom which only comes with age, while remaining jovial. He doesn't like politics very much, nor the purveyors of such.

Emma warned about a big ball being snookered by another ball - which we're told is smaller. They both look the same size to me, but apparently lots of woowoo is going to happen

I pushed buttons, twisted knobs & watched clocks. I chimed in occasionally & kept things ticking over.

A huge thanks to Suzy Cashman who donated 20 subscriptions to our Dlive channel. Very generous. I can now afford to eat for the next fortnight.

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