Episode #125: The Re-Emergence Of the Red Heifer W/Joshua Erickson

11 months ago

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Well, there’s a lot happening in the world in the coming weeks and months. We have the eclipse happening the day this episode will drop, an upcoming presidential election that promises to be the most if not one of the most contentious in our nation’s history, two proxy wars we are involved in and economic and social instability at home. As I have the opportunity to talk to a number of different people from all sorts of faith traditions the one thing that always comes through to those people even a little bit tuned into to God and that is that there isa feeling that we are hurtling towards an event. Now while it is true that no man know man knows the day or hour of the Saviors return the Lord in his mercy has given us some signs to look for that will give us an indication on where we are at along the road. One of those signs are talked about in Doctrine & Covenants section 13 where the Lord talks about the Sons of Levi offering up sacrifices again in righteousness. What if I told you that one of the big barriers to that happening has been removed? Today on the podcast Joshua Erickson joins me to have a conversation about the re-emergence of the Red Heifer. We talk about the animal’s significance in the Old Testament, The animals re-emergence and the miraculous events surrounding its reappearance, why the red heifer is necessary, and even how this animal was a catalyst for the Hamas attack in Israel back in October, and finally what all this could mean in regards to the Saviors return.

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