The US Military are in FULL CONTROL Worldwide

11 months ago

The US Military are in FULL CONTROL Worldwide.

We are in the middle of the biggest Sting Operation we have ever seen.

This all dates back to The Constitution and everything we are experiencing is connected back to George Washington and the brave men who were all Freemasons

Future Proves Past

We have to zoom out as high as we can to see the Moves and Counter Moves

The War has continued and it really has been a game of battle ships and battle grounds

The deep state players have continued to believe they are in control and calling the shots when in fact there is another layer behind where we have been mirroring everything they have been doing

Remember what we are being shown is controlled by the military, everything we are witnessing now is a HUGE white hat production and we have all been part of the biggest psyop. The plan is so clever that only God could have created it.

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