Ask God For Help With Your Finances

8 months ago

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Are you in a difficult financial spot right now? Have you asked God to help you?

Here’s a truth God owns everything; we just manage it. Genesis 1:1 says “in the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.” That means He created everything and no matter how difficult the situation, God has what we need. Even more, he knows what we need more than we do!

If God is the giver of all resources and knows our needs, we can trust Him to provide.

When He does provide, He calls us to manage the resources well. Not just manage it our way but manage it His way. He wants us to use the resources, skills, talents and abilities that He’s entrusted to us for His glory.

To know God’s way, we must spend time with Him. So, let me encourage you to spend time with him today. Let me ask again, are you in a difficult financial spot right now? Have you asked God to help you? Take 2 minutes and ask Him right now… then take 1 minute of silence. Pause and listen, see what thoughts come to mind after you ask Him for help, if He asks you to do something then go do it!

Ask God for help, He owns everything, and He cares deeply for you.

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