Democrat's 2024 Election Fraud has begun - April 4, 2024

6 months ago

Other than attempting to block VOTER ID laws and other laws that will make elections more honest and secure from fraud; and for gerrymandering districts with corrupt judges that always favor the Democrat Party in Blue States; and for using law-fare against Trump supporters to intimate them and their free speech; and for using law-fare and the courts to sue Donald Trump and using the Justice System (DOJ and FBI) to criminalize Trump to keep him off the ballots, the Democrat Party might also be registering illegal immigrants to vote in 2024. That's because, there is NOTHING the Democrat Party won't do to attain and/or to maintain their grip on power. They are MARXIST CONTROL FREAKS.

Since the start of 2024 the number of people registering to vote without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in key swing states such as Texas 1,250,710 - Pennsylvania 580,513 and Arizona 220,731. That's because a 2002 law called "Help America Vote Verification" (HAVV) allows people to register with a Social Security Number (4 digits). Illegal immigrants are not able to get driver's licenses and State IDs in States such TX, PA or AZ — but they can get Social Security Cards (for work authorization permits), then they can register to vote. Data is publicly available at the Social Security website at:

There is not a single law that the Democrat Party isn't willing to exploit, bend or break to get their desired result. Never mind the LETTER or the law, but even the SPIRIT of the law. They are experts at screwing America with law-fare. And they will never stop unless an opposing party stops them; and it won't be RINOs.

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