Jim Stephenson Jr - The Vitamin D Double-Cross

11 months ago

Source: Medicine Girl
Jul 1, 2023

In this episode of the Medicine Girl Podcast, Robin Stebbins interviews the leading expert in Vitamin D3 research, Jim Stephenson Jr. who shares the swindle of this so called sunshine vitamin. To add insult to injury the remedy prescribed for allegedly "low" Vitamin D levels is worse than we realized. Especially children, whose bones are still developing. The medical community, even the functional, holistic medical freedom sector, accepts the pharma funded low serum ranges as gospel and recommends that to rectify this abnormal value, you must take rat poison also know as cholecalciferol, or as you purchased it, Vitamin D3.

It is the same thing. Yes, I am sorry to say, you are ingesting a chemical rodenticide. And it is likely worse than you realize.

So how can we get seemingly intelligent doctors, homeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic functional medicine practitioners to not only recommend their patients take a toxic rodenticide, but mega doses of it? The answer is simple. You create a Vitamin D industry from the current annual billion dollar revenue, spend millions to conduct studies that will support your fraudulent claim and find an unscrupulous Dr to legitimize the hoax. Enter stage Dr. Holick, the aforementioned amoral MD, hired by the vitamin D industry (did you know that was even a thing?) who sold the medical association on a mythical sunshine vitamin deficiency range that when D3 supplemented cures everything from depression, MS, Guillain-Barre, Covid, brittle bones and so much more! The industry gave the physician hundreds of thousands of dollars to change what was considered normal to now abnormal for the Vitamin D lab values, making the majority of the population now deficient with the click of a button. By the way the serum value you MD orders is testing 25,D which is not even the right molecule. So now the 45 year old surfer is as deficient as the 80 year old bed ridden grandmother.

This slight of hand earned the industry billions of dollars and more power to bamboozal the medical community with their fervently cherished peer reviewed articles from prestigious universities with a long web search trail singing the praises of supplementing Vitamin D3 to everyone and anyone that have now deemed low. But first, as we now know the Farma playbook, was to create fear by telling everyone with low values it could lead to a terrifying array of illness and disease if not corrected immediately with their brand of snake oil, aka Vitamin D3/Rodenticide. So now those "deficient", as it turns out is almost everyone, including pregnant women (who actually make more of the 125,D hormone, so supplementation is even more disastrous), infants and children. The only problem with this miracle cure is that is does the exact opposite of the intended use. (Once again Big Farma has us duped)

When ingested, the vitamin, which is not actually a vitamin but a secosteroid hormone, pulls calcium from the body-teeth, bones, joints and floods the bloodstream with this newly extracted calcium your bones. Done over time this will lead to bone density loss, osteoporosis, heart arrhythmia from excess calcium, calcified (hardened) veins and arteries, kidney stones, renal damage and potential renal failure to name a few of the direct effects.

In this episode, we discuss what the serum lab your doctor is testing is actually meaningless and is testing the wrong value. How testing for the correct serum value shows that it is extremely rare to actually be deficient in the vitamin!! and if it is low it indicates a serious health problem that is not rectified by taking D3.

Conclusion: There is no valid reason to take Vitamin D3/Cholecalciferol/rat poison. Ingesting the amount they sell in bottles will not kill you but will absolutely deteriorate your health over time. Any practitioner recommending this to you is breaking the hippocratic oath, first harming you, the patient and some even profiting with their private label supplements. Anyone such as Amandha Volmer who recommends her patients not only take Vitamin D3, but mega doses as she does, should be held responsible for the harm they have caused if they refuse, as she did to look at the research and continues to recommend it. Please take this to you practitioner and educate them, as they likely have not heard of this research thanks to Dr. Holick and the medical cartel. Once we start to educate ourselves and the medical community, we the people will be less likely to fall for snake oil cures and will be empowered to stop listening to anyone telling us what to put in our bodies. That power belongs to God and our own innate wisdom.
To Find Jim Stephenson Jr.
Secosteroid Hormone D Facebook Group

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