7. Desire and Will in Fable - Motive and the Emotive phases of the mind - William Walker Atkinson

10 months ago

Mind-Power: The Secret of Mental Magic - An audiobook from William Walker Atkinson
Chapter 7. Desire and Will in Fable
For more on New Thought: https://everythingnewthought.com/

I herewith reproduce "The Fable of the Mentative Couple," a bit of writing in the lighter vein perpetrated by myself about a year ago. My excuse for writing this tale, and for reproducing it now, is that it carries with it a decided moral, and teaches an important truth. It brings out the distinction existing between the Motive and the Emotive phases of the mind, and beneath its flippancy is concealed some good, sound psychological truth. I ask that you read it, in connection with what I have just told you regarding the offices of the will, desire, imagination, etc. It will show you, in figurative style, the operation of the two poles of the Desire-Will. And it will show you how the emotive pole or phase, if left unguarded by the protective faculties, will be led into all sorts of trouble.
— William Walker Atkinson

"The universe is a great organism, controlled by a dynamism
of the psychical order. Mind gleams through its every atom....
There is mind in everything, not only in human and animal life,
but in plants, in minerals, in space.
— Flammarion, the famous French astronomer and author

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