3. Mentative Induction - There is Mental Activity in Everything - William Walker Atkinson

10 months ago

Mind-Power: The Secret of Mental Magic - An audiobook from William Walker Atkinson
Chapter 3. Mentative Induction
For more on New Thought: https://everythingnewthought.com/

As wonderful as is the manifestation of Mind-Power within the limits of the form of the thing, cell, plant, animal, or person, and which produces the effects known as local action, movement, etc., there is still a greater wonder to be witnessed in the manifestation of the same power beyond the limits of the personality or form in which it originates. And it is to this manifestation of Mind-Power that I am about to apply the term "Telementation." I may as well explain my terms at this place and time. In the first place I use the term "Mentation,” in the sense of "Mental activity"; the term being derived from the Latin word mentis, meaning "the mind"; and the suffix "ation"; meaning "action." So "Mentation" means "mental activity." From Mentation we derive Mentative, or "relating to mental activity"; Mentate, or "to manifest mental activity"; etc., etc. From Mentation, also, I derive the term, "Telementation," which so far as I know, was originally coined by me several years ago.

— William Walker Atkinson

"The universe is a great organism, controlled by a dynamism
of the psychical order. Mind gleams through its every atom....
There is mind in everything, not only in human and animal life,
but in plants, in minerals, in space.
— Flammarion, the famous French astronomer and author

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