Happy Hour Bible Series - Becoming Triumphant Overcomers in Turbulent Times by Brad Cummings

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PART 1 OF THIS INCREDIBLE SERIES WILL BE FREE ALL MONTH -- To access the full series, you must be an Insider+, Premium, or Platinum VIP Member or purchase the series here: drtenpenny.com/triumphant/

This 4-week series is a deep dive with Brad Cummings (author, producer,
publisher) pulling back the curtain on the big plan of Salvation and what God is doing in the Earth. Where are we in His unfolding timeline, what is happening, and what we can do about it. Despite all the fear, doom and gloom, we are called to become triumphant overcomers in turbulent times. Fear Not! We are not alone and there are concrete reasons for our having Hope and Courage that “the best is yet to come.” Unashamedly, this is the most important material I have ever had a chance to share, and it couldn’t come at a more critical time than this.

Part 1: What is happening, what is not, and what we can do about it.
Where are we in the unfolding of God’s Plan: Truth in packaging laws for what is on the horizon. Fierce, demon-filled, perilous times will come… why? A time of sifting, testing and refining in the “crucible” of God. What is God doing, why is He allowing this? What is happening in the Middle East – who is who and why does it matter? What is God saying to us in the Two/Three Great American Solar Eclipses: Salem, Nineveh and the Cross of Peace.

About the author:
Brad Cummings is an Author, Producer, Publisher. A former pastor for 20 years, Brad is the CEO of Shiloh Road Publishers, the publisher and General Editor of The Founders’ Bible.

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