Improve Anxiety With 3 Core Nutrients That Boost Brain Health

10 months ago

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Can anxiety be improved by taking vitamins and other nutritional supplements?
Psychiatrist and nutritional science expert Dr. Daniel Monti gives his insights on Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon.
“Once somebody has developed true anxiety, one supplement isn’t going to be some cure-all for it. You really need to take a whole life approach to it,” says Dr. Monti.
Of course, getting the right nutrition is crucial to such a strategy. For instance, the right fats can help counter inflammation that damages brain health and function, he adds.
How much do we need and what’s the best way to get them?
While the “wrong” carbs can spike anxiety, the “right” carbs promote brain health and potentially a calmer mind.
Which super green (carbs) does Dr. Monti personally prioritize and how much is enough?
Ideally, we’d get all our nutrients through food. Due to soil depletion and other factors though, our food can be sorely nutrient lacking. This is where supplementing micronutrients comes in, says Dr. Monti.
He completes his triad of key nutrients by revealing a vitamin commonly low in people with anxiety and depression and the best way to supplement it.
Dr. Monti is professor and founding chair of the Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, where optimizing brain health and micronutrient therapies are among the specialty treatments offered.
Vital Signs’ host, guests, and contributors offer general information on improving health and wellness. This is not intended as diagnosis or medical advice. You should consult your medical doctor or holistic doctor before enacting any suggested strategies for health and wellness improvement, including those in relation to preventing or treating specific diseases featured on this program.
Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
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