Lilo & Stitch The Series S2 Ep 13 - Gender & AR & AP Transformations

10 months ago

Season 2 Episode 13 Morpholomew
Keoni is going away for the weekend, so Lilo enters the island's skateboarding competition by using an experiment that can morph a person into any other organism in order to win a new skateboard for him. At the same time, Jake, Trixie, Spud, Lao Shi and Fu Dog (from American Dragon: Jake Long) visit the island to check out reports that magical creatures (actually Jumba's experiments) are running rampant. While Jake, Trixie, Spud and Fu investigate, Lao Shi goes on a date with Mrs. Hasagawa, and Jake becomes late to the skateboarding contest after Gantu captures him in his dragon form, mistaking him for the shapeshifting experiment. Lilo disguises herself as Jake Long's human form after Jake's capture and subsequent escape.

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