The U.S. Has Become an Outlaw Nation

11 months ago

The soulless ghoul Blinken delivering lectures about the "rules" that must be defended by NATO, even if it means mass murder of civilians; Biden gesticulating wildly, while shouting about "defending democracy"; ex-military/intelligence officials, like Brennan and Bolton, demanding more funds to "stop Putin", who they claim intends to conquer Europe! If you, like me, are tired of this hypocritical support for unnecessary wars, paid for by your taxes, it's time to join the LaRouche movement to create a new strategic and development architecture.

Link to April 3 dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

Link to register for April 13 online conference on LaRouche's Oasis Plan:
The Oasis Plan: The LaRouche Solution for Peace Through Development Between Israel and Palestine and for All of Southwest Asia (

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