Collective Energy Reading April 2024

11 months ago

In this video we cover:
Feelings of exhaustion, anxiety and overwhelm in the collective
Sense something is “about to happen”
Solar eclipse April 8 and the portal in between eclipses
Red heiffers and Passover
Economic outlook
Assets and sectors to focus on
False flags and tools of distraction
Social justice and war
Taking back your power
Collapse of systems of oppression and Empire
Remedies and tools for the coming times

I don’t do fairy and unicorn work. If you want only light and love you will not find it here. I don’t bypass and not do I fear monger.

I’m giving a snap shot reading of the current energies. We all have free will and control over what we do with the choices we have. Remember you do have choice.

I am doing a lot of decolonisation work at the moment. That means gaining sovereignty over what we allow in our lives. That means breaking free from ingrained systems of control. That means doing deep ancestral healing. It means shadow work. It means claiming gifts you already have but have been taught to over ride.

Ask me about ways to work with me in my DM. My prices are lowering to reflect the reality of our times.

In service ❤️

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