April 4, 2024 My prediction is that it will be cold summer weather in 2024! A ancient volcano is coming to light this year thats been hidden!more earthquakes on northern landmass! / Nickel and iron!?

6 months ago

the ai doesnt want you to be free
this video is for entertainment purposes only!
weather: instead of summer heat we will be going into cold...
defrosting to cause a crack in antartica
power up...chosen ones
some type of glow!
meeting numbers
enslavement of ppl....corona....
savior.... disingrating of moon by the sun! christ consious energy
seismograpgh... more waves of earthquakes!
solar eclipse april 8 2024
scale 1-10 (rating of strength
whats coming out of antartica
something broke through our ozone layers
north / south.... globally
northen landmass...cold in future
saturn moon eearth moon)
rihanna "shine bright like a diamond"???
high radiation below in the waters
people may feel something in their feet.
fake moon holograms
earth core sent out radiation
nickel and iron
weather : more rain! chemical rain
volcano (ancient) bveen covered up...possibly where noah ark was... doesnt have to be.
mojther earth and father sun are putting a end to evil.
mountain....desert state like to reveal its self or uncover
ring of fire volcanos erupting!
water vapor in air...wet weather
ice age
northern landmass
cumonomulus cloud.....brings thunder storms
ozone layer: top layer (last layers)
heliocentric universe....sun
laid path.

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