Tasty Rocky Road

11 months ago

3 cups - milk chocolate chips

½ cup - chopped almonds

2/3 cup - chopped peanuts

2 cups - colorful marshmallows

2 cups - mini marshmallows

1 cup - butterscotch chips

The process

Melt 3 cups of milk chocolate chips in 30 second intervals stirring each time until the chocolate is melted. Pour chocolate into a large bowl. Roughly chop ½ of a cup of almonds and 2/3 of a cup of peanuts. Pour the peanuts and almonds in the bowl with melted chocolate. Add colorful marshmallows, regular marshmallows and butterscotch chips to the bowl. Mix it all together. Pour it out onto a parchment lined baking sheet and shape it into a log. Let it cool and firm up then cut it into slices and enjoy.

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