Derek Prince Forgiveness Sermon

11 months ago

Derek Prince Forgiveness Sermon. Derek Prince explains that forgiveness is like tearing up the IOU's. You may have in your hand a handful of IOU's from various people. And you can hold unto them if you want. But before you decide to hold unto them remember this. God in heaven has a lot of IOU's from you to him. And he says lets make a deal. You tear up your IOU's and I'll tear up mine and offer you forgiveness. But if you don't tear up your IOU's then God will not tear up his and offer you forgiveness. In one parable Jesus say our brother owes us $17 and we owe God 6 million dollars. God has forgiven us way more then we forgive others. Forgiveness is not a super spiritual act- Its enlightened self interest. So if we want God to forgive us. Then we must forgive others.

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