Aliens in Miami Mall January 1 DECODE

11 months ago

On January 1, 2024 in Miami, Florida, over 60 Police Cars were sighted at the Bayside Marketplace Mall. Later reports were "4 Teens arrested for fighting", but A viral video claims "10 foot ALIENS seen walking around the mall."

1/1 is Ellis Island Day. Ellis Island was once the entry point for foreigners immigrating to the U.S.  Some Immigrants are called Illegal ALIENS.

1/1 was also the 206th Anniversary of Frankenstein (published in 1818). A Book about a “mad scientist” who creates a monster. FrankenSTEIN~Jeffrey EpSTEIN.  Dr. Frankenstein's Monster was an Animatron/ROBOT. 

Miami = 11 (1/1).
Some are saying the Miami Mall Incident is a distraction from the Jeffrey Epstein Court Documents Release. The release listed "A List" Celebrities & Well Known Public Figures who had flown to Epstein's Island. 

Distraction= 726. Jeffrey Epstein= 2067 & 267.
Distraction = 486. Project MK ultra = 864. 

Jeffrey Epstein died 8/10/2019.
From 8/10/2019 to 1/1/2024 = 52 months 22 days.
MK Ultra = 522.

After World War II (1945), CIA Director Alan Dulles brought 1600 Nazi Scientists to the United States. This was called "Operation Paper Clip". These Nazis were highly skilled in "Mind Control Techniques." At Several Military Bases across the U.S., trials were conducted on controlling human behavior. This eventually evolved into the MK Ultra Program (ROBOTS/Body Doubles, etc).

MK Ultra is "The Mandela Effect". In the 1980's, South African President Nelson Mandela was initially reported dead while serving time in prison. He was later "reported" released from prison and subsequently elected In 1994. Nelson Mandela = 3228.  Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela= 225. MK Ultra = 522. 

Roman God Vulcan, who is Hephaestus in Greek Mythology rules fires, volcanoes, & technology/ROBOTS. Romans celebrated him on 8/23. 
Hephaestus = 252. Frankenstein's Monster = 522.

Project MK Ultra = 57. Frankenstein = 57. Vulcan = 57.

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