Ramadan Ends April 8 2024 During Solar Eclipse Across America & The 2 Witnesses Arrival #RUMBLETAKEOVER #RUMBLE USHERING IN THE START OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION ON NISSAN 1 = APRIL 8 2024

10 months ago


Ramadan 2024 is expected to begin on Monday, March 11, 2024 (according to Saudi Arabia) and will end on Tuesday, April 9 (APRIL 8 USA TIME), 2024. Eid al Fitr 2024 is expected to be celebrated on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

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😀PLEASE Join the Rescue Mission: https://bit.ly/3pQZbwL


💖.....HEAVEN OR 🔥💀HELL💀🔥 IS A CHOICE...💖💖....WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE?.........❤️ROMANS 13:11-14.....❤️...THEN ROMANS 10:9-13...❤️...BECAUSE JOHN 3:3-21..❤️...1ST JOHN 1:9...❤️....REPENT & LIVE…...Jesus Christ is our GOD

Danger Will Robinson!

💖❤️❤️JESUS IS COMING BACK!!!!!!❤️❤️💖

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